Computer Controlled Magnetotransport Setup for the Characterization of Semiconductor Thin FilmsWe have considered a computer controlled magnetotransport setup using LabWindows environment. It allows for measurements of resistivity, Hall resistance, carrier concentration and charge mobility in semiconductor thin films using a van der Pauw configuration. The setup features an electromagnet (B = 0.7 Tesla) a 80486-DX 33 computer with a National Instrument AT-MIO 16 AD/DA and a GPIB interface board. A Keithely 224 current source and a Keithley 196 digital voltmeter were also used in the setup. Plans for the addition of capabilities to allow for magnetic field sweeping and the performance of measurements as a function of temperature will be presented.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Ducoudray, G. O. (Puerto Rico Univ. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
Collazo, R. (Puerto Rico Univ. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
Martinez, A. (Puerto Rico Univ. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
Date Acquired
August 17, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1997
Publication Information
Publication: The First National Student Conference: NASA University Research Centers at Minority Institutions