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Mid Infrared Hydrogen Recombination Line Emission from the Maser Star MWC 349AWe have detected and spectrally resolved the mid-IR hydrogen recombination lines H6(alpha)(12.372 micrometers), H7(alpha)(19.062 micrometers), H7(beta)(l1.309 micrometers) and H8(gamma)(12.385 micrometers) from the star MWC349A. This object has strong hydrogen maser emission (reported in the millimeter and submillimeter hydrogen recombination lines from H36(alpha) to H21(alpha)) and laser emission (reported in the H15(alpha), H12(alpha) and H10(alpha) lines). The lasers/masers are thought to arise predominantly in a Keplerian disk around the star. The mid-IR lines do not show evident signs of lasing, and can be well modeled as arising from the strong stellar wind, with a component arising from a quasi-static atmosphere around the disk, similar to what is hypothesized for the near IR (less than or equal to 4 micrometers) recombination lines. Since populations inversions in the levels producing these mid-IR transitions are expected at densities up to approximately 10(exp 11)/cu cm, these results imply either that the disk does not contain high-density ionized gas over long enough path lengths to produce a gain approximately 1, and/or that any laser emission from such regions is small compared to the spontaneous background emission from the rest of the source as observed with a large beam. The results reinforce the interpretation of the far-IR lines as true lasers.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Preprint (Draft being sent to journal)
Smith, Howard A.
(Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cambridge, MA United States)
Strelnitski, V.
(Martha Mitchell Observatory Nantucket, MA United States)
Miles, J. W.
(Lockheed Martin Corp. Sunnyvale, CA United States)
Kelly, D. M.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX United States)
Lacy, J. H.
(Texas Univ. Austin, TX United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
June 20, 1997
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:112976
Funding Number(s)
CONTRACT_GRANT: F19628-93-K-0011
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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