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Integration of the Shuttle RMS/CBM Positioning Virtual Environment SimulationConstructing the International Space Station, or other structures, in space presents a number of problems. In particular, payload restrictions for the Space Shuttle and other launch mechanisms prohibit assembly of large space-based structures on Earth. Instead, a number of smaller modules must be boosted into orbit separately and then assembled to form the final structure. The assembly process is difficult, as docking interfaces such as Common Berthing Mechanisms (CBMS) must be precisely positioned relative to each other to be within the "capture envelope" (approximately +/- 1 inch and +/- 0.3 degrees from the nominal position) and attach properly. In the case of the Space Station, the docking mechanisms are to be positioned robotically by an astronaut using the 55-foot-long Remote Manipulator System (RMS) robot arm. Unfortunately, direct visual or video observation of the placement process is difficult or impossible in many scenarios. One method that has been tested for aligning the CBMs uses a boresighted camera mounted on one CBM to view a standard target on the opposing CBM. While this method might be sufficient to achieve proper positioning with considerable effort, it does not provide a high level of confidence that the mechanisms have been placed within capture range of each other. It also does nothing to address the risk of inadvertent contact between the CBMS, which could result in RMS control software errors. In general, constraining the operator to a single viewpoint with few, if any, depth cues makes the task much more difficult than it would be if the target could be viewed in three-dimensional space from various viewpoints. The actual work area could be viewed by an astronaut during EVA; however, it would be extremely impractical to have an astronaut control the RMS while spacewalking. On the other hand, a view of the RMS and CBMs to be positioned in a virtual environment aboard the Space Shuttle orbiter or Space Station could provide similar benefits more safely and conveniently with little additional cost. In order to render and view the RMS and CBMs in a virtual world, the position and orientation of the end effector in three-dimensional space must be known with a high degree of accuracy. A precision video alignment sensor has been developed which can determine the position and orientation of the controlled element relative to the target CBM within approximately one-sixteenth inch and 0.07 angular degrees. Such a sensor could replace or augment the boresighted camera mentioned above. The computer system used to render the virtual world and the position tracking systems which might be used to monitor the user's movements (in order to adjust the viewpoint in virtual space) are small enough to carry to orbit. Thus, such a system would be feasible for use in constructing structures in space.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Dumas, Joseph D.
(Tennessee Univ. Chattanooga, TN United States)
Date Acquired
August 18, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 1996
Subject Category
Space Transportation
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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