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SEDSAT 1 TechnologiesThe original goals of this project were to support the development of SEDSAT 1 for a tethered launch in July of 1997. This specifically required: (1) Monitoring development progress against a comprehensive delivery plan; (2) Incremental development and release of CDS and SEASIS software; (3) Supporting the integration of version 1.0 SEASIS software that will allow minimal autonomous operation without a software reload. These algorithms would include image quality evaluation, attitude determination, and autonomous earth imaging; and (4) Developing software requirements and design for ground segment software, concentrating on command and data download capability; and interface to external development efforts for a more comprehensive software suite to be used after the initial mission. Because of an unfavorable space shuttle safety review of the SEDS-3 tether deployer, and cost and schedule problems in upgrading the deployer, the mission was changed to an independent launch of SEDSAT. The original plan was to do a tether-less deployment from the space shuttle. Since this would have resulted in an unacceptable orbital lifetime, the mission was changed again to a tethered launch from a Delta II in June 1998. As a result of Marshall Space Flight Center's redirection of the SEDS-3 mission away from a tether launch, the whole question of a tether endmass had to be reconsidered. The net result of these multiple changes was twofold. First, we completed work needed to define some aspects of ground software on SEDSAT 1 that would remain constant no matter the launch mode. Second, we developed a set of concepts for using SEDSAT 1 technology to support alternative endmass missions on SEDS-3. Both of these are included.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Maier, Mark W.
(Alabama Univ. Huntsville, AL United States)
Date Acquired
August 18, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 1996
Publication Information
Publication: Research Reports: 1996 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
Subject Category
Spacecraft Design, Testing And Performance
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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