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Noble Gases in Iddingsite from the Lafayette Meteorite: Evidence for Liquid Water on Mars in the Last Few Hundred Million YearsWe analyzed noble gases from 18 samples of weathering products ("iddingsite") from the Lafayette meteorite. Potassium-argon ages of 12 samples range from near zero to 670 +/- 91 Ma. These ages confirm the martian origin of the iddingsite, but it is not clear whether any or all of the ages represent iddingsite formation as opposed to later alteration or incorporation of martian atmospheric Ar-40. In any case, because iddingsite formation requires liquid water, this data requires the presence of liquid water near the surface of Mars at least as recently as 1300 Ma ago, and probably as recently as 650 Ma ago. Krypton and Xe analysis of a single 34 microg sample indicates the presence of fractionated martian atmosphere within the iddingsite. This also confirms the martian origin of the iddingsite. The mechanism of incorporation could either be through interaction with liquid water during iddingsite formation or a result of shock implantation of adsorbed atmospheric gas.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Swindle, T. D.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX United States)
Treiman, A. H.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX United States)
Lindstrom, D. J.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX United States)
Brkland, M. K.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX United States)
Cohen, B. A.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX United States)
Grier, J. A.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX United States)
Li, B.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX United States)
Olson, E. K.
(Lunar and Planetary Inst. Houston, TX United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2000
Publication Information
Publication: Meteoritics and Planetary Science
Publisher: Meteoritical Society
Volume: 35
Subject Category
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 344-31-10-17
Distribution Limits

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