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Site Selection for Mars Exopaleontology in 2001The microbial fossil record encompasses a wide range of information, including cellular remains, stromatolites, biofabrics, trace fossils, biominerals and chemofossils. The preservation of fossils is strongly influenced by the physical, chemical and biological factors of the environment which, acting together, ultimately determine the types of information that will be captured and retained in the rock record. The critical factor in assessing the suitability of a site for a microbial fossil record is the paleoenvironment. The reconstruction of ancient sedimentary environments usually requires the integration of a wide variety of geological information, including the shape, geometry and internal structure of sedimentary deposits, their mineralogy, and geochemistry. For Mars, much of our knowledge about past environments is based on orbital imaging of geomorphic features. This evidence provides an important context and starting point for site selection. However, our knowledge of the martian surface is quite limited, and a major goal of the upcoming exploration effort is to reconstruct the history of Martian volatiles, climate, and hydrology as a context for the exploration for past or present life. Mineralogical mapping from orbit will be an important key in this effort. In exploring for evidence of past life, terrestrial experience suggests that the long-term preservation of biological information as fossils occurs under a fairly narrow range of geological conditions that are well known to paleontologists (1). In detrital sedimentary systems, microbial fossilization is favored by rapid burial in fine-grained, clay-rich sediments. In chemical sedimentary systems, preservation is enhanced by rapid entombment in fine-grained chemical precipitates. For long term preservation, host rocks must be composed of stable minerals that resist chemical weathering, and which form an impermeable matrix and closed chemical system that can protect biosignatures from alteration during subsequent diagenetic change or metamorphism. In this context, host rocks composed of highly ordered, chemically-stable mineral phases, like silica (forming cherts) or phosphate (forming phosphorites), are especially favored. Such lithologies tend to have very long crustal residence times and (along with carbonates and shales), are the most common host rocks for the Precambrian microfossil record on Earth. If we assume that a subsurface hydrosphere has been present throughout martian history, then life could have originated there at any time, perhaps emerging at the surface periodically when climate changes, induced by external forcing or endogenous processes (e.g. volcanism), allowed liquid water to exist at the surface. The recent discovery of subsurface chemolithoautotrophic organisms which are capable of synthesizing organic substrates from C02 and H2 liberated from the aqueous weathering of basalt, is especially. relevant as a model for martian life. While a subsurface habitable zone may yet exist on Mars, access to such environments will likely require drilling to depths of several kilometers. Given the technological challenge of deep drilling, this is unlikely to occur prior to human missions. So, even if there is extant life on Mars today in subsurface habitats, it may be much easier to find its fossil counterparts in ancient deposits exposed at the surface. In exploring for a fossil record in subsurface environments on Mars there are several geological situations that may provide access to the appropriate materials. These include 1) ejecta from impact craters, 2) talus slopes, debris flows or alluvial fans developed below the walls of deep canyons, and 3) the deposits of outflood channels. Examples of aqueous mineral deposits of formed in subsurface environments that could harbor a microbial fossil record include such things as cements in detrital sedimentary rocks, low temperature diagenetic minerals deposited in veins, or filling vesicles in volcanic rocks, and hydrothermal deposits formed below the upper temperature limit for life (about 160 degrees C). There are many sites within the present latitudinal constraints for the 2001 mission (15 deg S to 30 deg N) that meet these requirements. But the practical problem with these kinds of deposits is that they tend to be disseminated, making up only a small percentage of a host rock. Even with mineralogical information provided by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) presently in orbit around Mars, predicting their occurrence ahead of time may be quite difficult. The deposits of surficial aqueous sedimentary systems are likely to provide the largest targets for site selection in 2001. Of these, the deposits of hydrothermal systems (subaerial and subaqueous thermal springs) have been discussed previously. It is likely that hydrothermal systems were widespread on Mars early in its history and a number of common geo-tectonic settings on Mars are likely to have hosted hydrothermal activity. Most of these are represented within the latitudinal constraints presently identified for 2001. However, the deposits of surface spring systems are likely to be difficult to find as well. On Earth, exposure areas for hydrothermal spring mounds are typically a few square kms, less than a single TES pixel. But such deposits may be quite abundant within some volcanic terrains, It is estimated, for example, that between 15-20% of the floor of Yellowstone caldera is covered by thermal spring deposits. In such abundances, subaerial sinters could well be detected by TES. Where exposed, the shallow subsurface portions of these systems may be quite a lot larger (perhaps tens of square kms), although (as noted above) mineralization may be finely disseminated in the basement rock, making remote detection more difficult. Paleolake Basins. There are a large number of potential paleolake basins on Mars (inclusive of impact craters and volcanic calderas) that have been previously identified using Viking images. Most of these lie in the southern highlands beyond the l5 deg S constraint for 2001. However, deposits of paleolakes may offer the largest and most easily identified exopaleontological targets from orbit. Based on a variety of arguments, some workers have suggested that there was once an ancient ocean on the northern plains, and some sites of interest (potential shoreline terraces) fall within the 30 deg N constraint. From a paleontological standpoint the most interesting places of this type are terminal paleolake basins which are likely to have been both saline and alkaline. Models by Schaefer suggest such environments could be widespread on Mars. The conditions in terminal lake basin settings favor widespread chemical sedimentation, an important condition for microbial fossilization. Important lithological targets for a microbial fossil record in terminal lake basins include spring-deposited carbonates, shoreline cements, a wide variety of evaporite minerals and fine-grained detrital sediments including shales, marls, and water-lain volcanic ash deposits. In developing a strategy to explore for ancient hydrothermal deposits on Mars, we can learn from the methods that have been developed by explorationists to explore for economic mineral deposits on Earth. Due to their simple mineralogy, hydrothermal deposits can often be detected using remote sensing methods. Common thermal spring mineral assemblages include silica, carbonate, and various metallic oxides and sulfides. But there are also a number of diagnostic silicate minerals, including clays, formed by the hydrothermal alteration of country rocks. These hydrothermal minerals have characteristic spectral signatures that could be detected from Mars orbit using high resolution infrared remote sensing methods. In playa lake settings, evaporite deposits often form a predictable "bull's eye" pattern with carbonates being deposited in marginal basin areas, and sulfates and halides occurring progressively more basinward. The floors of some impact craters on Mars, such as "White Rock" and Bequeral Crater (see Oxia Palus NE, Site 148), have floor deposits that could be evaporites, inclusive of carbonates. Evaporite minerals possess characteristic spectral signatures in the infrared and could similarly be identified from Mars orbit using high resolution remote sensing methods. Clearly, utilization of TES data will be important for optimizing site selection for Exopaleontology, and every effort should be made to benefit from that data before a final decision is made.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Farmer, Jack
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1998
Publication Information
Publication: Mars Surveyor 2001 Landing Site Workshop
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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