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Mixing of an Airblast-atomized Fuel Spray Injected into a Crossflow of AirThe injection of a spray of fuel droplets into a crossflow of air provides a means of rapidly mixing liquid fuel and air for combustion applications. Injecting the liquid as a spray reduces the mixing length needed to accommodate liquid breakup, while the transverse injection of the spray into the air stream takes advantage of the dynamic mixing induced by the jet-crossflow interaction. The structure of the spray, formed from a model plain-jet airblast atomizer, is investigated in order to determine and understand the factors leading to its dispersion. To attain this goal, the problem is divided into the following tasks which involve: (1) developing planar imaging techniques that visualize fuel and air distributions in the spray, (2) characterizing the airblast spray without a crossflow, and (3) characterizing the airblast spray upon injection into a crossflow. Geometric and operating conditions are varied in order to affect the atomization, penetration, and dispersion of the spray into the crossflow. The airblast spray is first characterized, using imaging techniques, as it issues into a quiescent environment. The spray breakup modes are classified in a liquid Reynolds number versus airblast Weber number regime chart. This work focuses on sprays formed by the "prompt" atomization mode, which induces a well-atomized and well-dispersed spray, and which also produces a two-lobed liquid distribution corresponding to the atomizing air passageways in the injector. The characterization of the spray jet injected into the crossflow reveals the different processes that control its dispersion. Correlations that describe the inner and outer boundaries of the spray jet are developed, using the definition of a two-phase momentum-flux ratio. Cross-sections of the liquid spray depict elliptically-shaped distributions, with the exception of the finely-atomized sprays which show kidney-shaped distributions reminiscent of those obtained in gaseous jet in crossflow systems. A droplet trajectory analysis overpredicts the liquid mass penetration, and indicates a need for a more rigorous model to account for the three-dimensional mixing field induced by the jet-crossflow interaction. Nonetheless, the general procedures and criteria that are outlined can be used to efficiently assess and compare the quality of sprays formed under different conditions.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Leong, May Y.
(California Univ. Irvine, CA United States)
McDonell, Vincent G.
(California Univ. Irvine, CA United States)
Samuelsen, G. Scott
(California Univ. Irvine, CA United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 2000
Subject Category
Aircraft Propulsion And Power
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:210467
Report Number: E-12463
Report Number: NASA/CR-2000-210467
Report Number: UCI-ARTR-00-05
Report Number: NAS 1.26:210467
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 714-02-20
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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