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Burning Velocity Measurements in Aluminum-Air Suspensions using Bunsen Type Dust FlamesLaminar burning velocity (sometimes also referred in literature as fundamental or normal flame propagation speed) is probably the most important combustion characteristic of the premixed combustible mixture. The majority of experimental data on burning velocities in gaseous mixtures was obtained with the help of the Bunsen conical flame. The Bunsen cone method was found to be sufficiently accurate for gaseous mixtures with burning velocities higher than 10-15 cm/s at normal pressure. Hans Cassel was the first to demonstrate that suspensions of micron-size solid fuel particles in a gaseous oxidizer can also form self-sustained Bunsen flames. He was able to stabilize Bunsen flames in a number of suspensions of different nonvolatile solid fuels (aluminum, carbon, and boron). Using the Bunsen cone method he estimated burning velocities in the premixed aluminum-air mixtures (particle size less than 10 microns) to be in the range of 30-40 cm/s. Cassel also found, that the burning velocity in dust clouds is a function of the burner diameter. In our recent work, we have used the Bunsen cone method to investigate dependence of burning velocity on dust concentration in fuel-rich aluminum dust clouds. Burning velocities in stoichiometric and fuel-rich aluminum dust suspensions with average particle sizes of about 5 microns were found to be in the range of 20-25 cm/s and largely independent on dust concentration. These results raise the question to what degree burning velocities derived from Bunsen flame specifically and other dust flame configurations in general, are indeed fundamental characteristics of the mixture and to what degree are they apparatus dependent. Dust flames in comparison to gas combustion, are thicker, may be influenced by radiation heat transfer in the flame front, respond differently to heat losses, and are fundamentally influenced by the particular flow configuration due to the particles inertia. Since characteristic spatial scales of dust flames are larger, one can expect that they will also be more sensitive than homogeneous combustion to a particular experimental geometric configuration of the flame and the flow. With such sensitivity the introduction of the very concept of the fundamental flame speed may be problematic for dust combustion. With this in mind, the objective of the present work is to further investigate Bunsen dust flames and evaluate to what degree burning velocities derived from Bunsen cone depend on experimental conditions (i.e. flow rate and nozzle diameter).
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Lee, John
(McGill Univ. Montreal, Quebec Canada)
Goroshin, Samuel
(McGill Univ. Montreal, Quebec Canada)
Kolbe, Massimiliano
(McGill Univ. Montreal, Quebec Canada)
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
May 1, 2001
Publication Information
Publication: Sixth International Microgravity Combustion Workshop
Subject Category
Inorganic, Organic And Physical Chemistry
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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