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Piezoelectric Vibrational and Acoustic Alert for a Personal Communication DeviceAn alert apparatus for a personal communication device includes a mechanically prestressed piezoelectric wafer positioned within the personal communication device and an alternating voltage input line coupled at two points of the wafer where polarity is recognized. The alert apparatus also includes a variable frequency device coupled to the alternating voltage input line, operative to switch the alternating voltage on the alternating voltage input line at least between an alternating voltage having a first frequency and an alternating voltage having a second frequency. The first frequency is preferably sufficiently high so as to cause the wafer to vibrate at a resulting frequency that produces a sound perceptible by a human ear, and the second frequency is preferably sufficiently low so as to cause the wafer to vibrate at a resulting frequency that produces a vibration readily felt by a holder of the personal communication device.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Other - Patent
External Source(s)
Stanley E Woodard
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Richard F Hellbaum
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Robert H Daugherty
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Raymond C Scholz
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Bruce D Little
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Robert L Fox
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Gerald A Denhardt
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
SeGon Jang
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Rizza Balein
(Langley Research Center Hampton, United States)
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
July 10, 2001
Publication Information
Publisher: United States Patent and Trademark Office
Subject Category
Communications And Radar
Report/Patent Number
Patent Application Number: US-Patent-Appl-SN-098658
Patent Number: US-Patent-6,259,188
Patent Application Number: US-Patent-Appl-SN-386682
Patent Application Number: US-Patent-Appl-SN-344030
Patent Number: NASA-Case-LAR-15764-1
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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