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Numerical Simulation of Flow Field Within Parallel Plate PlastometerParallel Plate Plastometer (PPP) is a device commonly used for measuring the viscosity of high polymers at low rates of shear in the range 104 to 109 poises. This device is being validated for use in measuring the viscosity of liquid glasses at high temperatures having similar ranges for the viscosity values. PPP instrument consists of two similar parallel plates, both in the range of 1 inch in diameter with the upper plate being movable while the lower one is kept stationary. Load is applied to the upper plate by means of a beam connected to shaft attached to the upper plate. The viscosity of the fluid is deduced from measuring the variation of the plate separation, h, as a function of time when a specified fixed load is applied on the beam. Operating plate speeds measured with the PPP is usually in the range of 10-3 cm/s or lower.

The flow field within the PPP can be simulated using the equations of motion of fluid flow for this configuration. With flow speeds in the range quoted above the flow field between the two plates is certainly incompressible and laminar. Such flows can be easily simulated using numerical modeling with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. We present below the mathematical model used to simulate this flow field and also the solutions obtained for the flow using a commercially available finite element CFD code.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Contribution to a larger work
Basil N. Antar
(University of Tennessee at Knoxville Knoxville, United States)
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
July 1, 2002
Publication Information
Publication: Research Reports-2001 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
Publisher: Marshall Space Flight Center
Volume: NASA/CR-2002-211840
Issue Publication Date: July 1, 2002
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Thermodynamics
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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