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Investigation and Development of Data-Driven D-Region Model for HF Systems ImpactsSpace Environment Corporation (SEC) and RP Consultants (RPC) are to develop and validate a weather-capable D region model for making High Frequency (HF) absorption predictions in support of the HF communications and radar communities. The weather-capable model will assimilate solar and earth space observations from NASA satellites. The model will account for solar-induced impacts on HF absorption, including X-rays, Solar Proton Events (SPE's), and auroral precipitation. The work plan includes: I . Optimize D-region model to quickly obtain ion and electron densities for proper HF absorption calculations. 2. Develop indices-driven modules for D-region ionization sources for low, mid, & high latitudes including X-rays, cosmic rays, auroral precipitation, & solar protons. (Note: solar spectrum & auroral modules already exist). 3. Setup low-cost monitors of existing HF beacons and add one single-frequency beacon. 4. Use PENEX HF-link database with HF monitor data to validate D-region/HF absorption model using climatological ionization drivers. 5. Develop algorithms to assimilate NASA satellite data of solar, interplanetary, and auroral observations into ionization source modules. 6. Use PENEX HF-link & HF-beacon data for skill score comparison of assimilation versus climatological D-region/HF absorption model. Only some satellites are available for the PENEX time period, thus, HF-beacon data is necessary. 7. Use HF beacon monitors to develop HF-link data assimilation algorithms for regional improvement to the D-region/HF absorption model.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Contractor or Grantee Report
Eccles, J. V.
(Space Environment Corp. Providence, UT United States)
Rice, D.
(Space Environment Corp. Providence, UT United States)
Sojka, J. J.
(Space Environment Corp. Providence, UT United States)
Hunsucker, R. D.
(RP Consultants, Inc. Klamath Falls, OR United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2002
Subject Category
Mathematical And Computer Sciences (General)
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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