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Calibration of EcoBadge Test-Strips for Ozone Measurement for GLOBEThe majority of our work, therefore, centered on experiments at an extended exposure period at low ozone concentrations, creating and programming the necessary calibration curve into a Zikua reader. and verifying that the Zikua would use the curve reliably. Zikua is a device supplied by Vistanomics to 'read' the exposed EcoBadge cards and provide a read-out of measured ozone concentration in ppb. This device replaces the visual comparison to a calibrated color chart. For our initial studies, test papers were prepared by the usual method in small batches. Although testing would also eventually include Vistanomics' EcoBadge papers, we began with papers prepared in our lab so that we could be assured of the freshness of each batch. We felt this would allow us better comparison among our runs as we varied exposure time. At the outset, our target acceptable error was about +/- 10%. For example, if the actual ozone concentration was 20 ppb, then we hoped to be in the range 18-22 ppb. If the actual ozone concentration was 100 ppb. then we hoped to fall within 90-110 ppb in our measurements. Clearly a systematic error in the range of 3-4 ppb or more would significantly affect the lower exposure data.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Bush, Linda C.
(Knox Coll. Galesburg, IL United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2003
Subject Category
Environment Pollution
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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