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Thanksgiving Hocus PocusI was managing the construction project, and I thought my biggest challenge was simply finishing the work in time for start of the holiday shopping season. The store opened three weeks before Thanksgiving. Everything looked great. Business picked up steadily as the serious spending season approached. Then, two days before Thanksgiving, disaster struck. The fire protection system was designed to prevent smoke and fire from reaching the merchandise. If a fire alarm went off anywhere in the building, the system went into a massive pressurization mode. Dampers would open and the system would pump in hundreds of cubic feet of air from outside into the store, pressurizing every square foot, preventing fire or smoke from spreading into the store. That night an unknown event tripped the alarm-and it sounded for six hours. The air conditioning system was still operational as the outside air temperatures had been warm all month. That night, however, temperatures plummeted to 20 degrees. With an alarm sounding in a building complex that covers many millions of square feet, no one paid attention to the cold air flowing into the space. Pipes froze and burst. Hundreds of gallons of water came down through the drywall, soaking merchandise, the carpet and the hardwood racks. This state of the art system, which had been designed to protect, was now responsible for unthinkable damage. You could be the among greatest project managers in world, but if you have an attitude and you give the client heartburn, unnecessary heartburn, you're not going to do more work with him. If you have a disaster like this one, and you manage to make everybody feel good and believe that you are going to take care of them, then everybody looks back on it and says, "You know what, this is a good project team; we work well together, so let's do another one."
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Zazzali, Christian
(HITT Corporate Interiors United States)
Date Acquired
August 21, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2003
Publication Information
Publication: ASK Magazine
Volume: 10
Subject Category
Administration And Management
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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