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Subgrid Combustion Modeling for the Next Generation National Combustion CodeIn the first year of this research, a subgrid turbulent mixing and combustion methodology developed earlier at Georgia Tech has been provided to researchers at NASA/GRC for incorporation into the next generation National Combustion Code (called NCCLES hereafter). A key feature of this approach is that scalar mixing and combustion processes are simulated within the LES grid using a stochastic 1D model. The subgrid simulation approach recovers locally molecular diffusion and reaction kinetics exactly without requiring closure and thus, provides an attractive feature to simulate complex, highly turbulent reacting flows of interest. Data acquisition algorithms and statistical analysis strategies and routines to analyze NCCLES results have also been provided to NASA/GRC. The overall goal of this research is to systematically develop and implement LES capability into the current NCC. For this purpose, issues regarding initialization and running LES are also addressed in the collaborative effort. In parallel to this technology transfer effort (that is continuously on going), research has also been underway at Georgia Tech to enhance the LES capability to tackle more complex flows. In particular, subgrid scalar mixing and combustion method has been evaluated in three distinctly different flow field in order to demonstrate its generality: (a) Flame-Turbulence Interactions using premixed combustion, (b) Spatially evolving supersonic mixing layers, and (c) Temporal single and two-phase mixing layers. The configurations chosen are such that they can be implemented in NCCLES and used to evaluate the ability of the new code. Future development and validation will be in spray combustion in gas turbine engine and supersonic scalar mixing.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Menon, Suresh
(Georgia Inst. of Tech. Atlanta, GA, United States)
Sankaran, Vaidyanathan
(Georgia Inst. of Tech. Atlanta, GA, United States)
Stone, Christopher
(Georgia Inst. of Tech. Atlanta, GA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 2003
Subject Category
Inorganic, Organic And Physical Chemistry
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:212202
Report Number: CCL-02-003
Report Number: E-13805
Report Number: NASA/CR-2003-212202
Report Number: NAS 1.26:212202
Funding Number(s)
WORK_UNIT: WU 708-87-23
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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