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Nanolayered Features of Collagen-like PeptidesWe have been investigating collagen-like model oligopeptides as molecular bases for complex ordered biomimetic materials. The collagen-like molecules incorporate aspects of native collagen sequence and secondary structure. Designed modifications to native primary and secondary structure have been incorporated to control the nanostructure and microstructure of the collagen-like materials produced. We find that the collagen-like molecules form a number of lyotropic rod liquid crystalline phases, which because of their strong temperature dependence in the liquid state can also be viewed as solvent intercalated thermotropic liquid crystals. The liquid crystalline phases formed by the molecules can be captured in the solid state by drying off solvent, resulting in solid nanopatterned (chemically and physically) thermally stable (to greater than 100 C) materials. Designed sequences which stabilize smectic phases have allowed a variety of nanoscale multilayered biopolymeric materials to be developed. Preliminary investigations suggest that chemical patterns running perpendicular to the smectic layer plane can be functionalized and used to localize a variety of organic, inorganic, and organometallic moieties in very simple multilayered nanocomposites. The phase behavior of collagen-like oligopeptide materials is described, emphasizing the correlation between mesophase, molecular orientation, and chemical patterning at the microscale and nanoscale. In many cases, the textures observed for smectic and hexatic phase collagens are remarkably similar to the complex (and not fully understood) helicoids observed in biological collagen-based tissues. Comparisons between biological morphologies and collagen model liquid crystalline (and solidified materials) textures may help us understand the molecular features which impart order and function to the extracellular matrix and to collagen-based mineralized tissues. Initial studies have utilized synthetic collagen-like peptides while future work will also focus on similar sequences generated via genetic engineering methods.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Valluzzi, Regina
(Tufts Univ. Medford, MA, United States)
Bini, Elisabetta
(Tufts Univ. Medford, MA, United States)
Haas, Terry
(Tufts Univ. Medford, MA, United States)
Cebe, Peggy
(Tufts Univ. Medford, MA, United States)
Kaplan, David L.
(Tufts Univ. Medford, MA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 2003
Publication Information
Publication: 2002 Microgravity Materials Science Conference
Subject Category
Nonmetallic Materials
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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