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Density Irregularities Inside the Plasmasphere: Cluster ObservationsThe electron density profiles derived from the EFW and WHISPER instruments onboard the four Cluster spacecraft reveal small-scale density irregularities inside the plasmasphere and at its outer boundary, the plasmapause. We review statistics of the plasmapause position and thickness, as well as statistics of these density structures. We focus on a particular plasmasphere crossing on 11 April 2002, with several density irregularities, as well as two plasma tails, observed by Cluster on the legs of the inbound and outbound passes. We derive the density gradient vectors from simultaneous density measurements by the four spacecraft. We determine also the normal velocity of the surface of these irregularities, assuming they are planar boundaries, from the time delays between density structures in the four individual density profiles. These new observations yield novel insights about (1) the dimensions of plasma irregularities across and parallel to magnetic field lines, (2) the dynamics of these small-scale structures, (3) their bulk velocities, and (4) their position and distribution as a function of the magnetic local time (MLT) and the geomagnetic conditions (as determined by Kp).
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Darrouzet, F.
(Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique Brussels, Belgium)
Lemaire, J. F.
(Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique Brussels, Belgium)
Decreau, P. M. E.
(Orleans Univ. France)
DeKeyser, J.
(Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique Brussels, Belgium)
Masson, A.
(European Space Agency. European Space Research and Technology Center, ESTEC Noordwijk, Netherlands)
Gallagher, D. L.
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Santolik, O.
(Karlova Univ. Prague, Czechoslovakia)
Trotignon, J. G.
(Orleans Univ. France)
Rauch, J. L.
(Orleans Univ. France)
LeGuirriec, E.
(Orleans Univ. France)
Date Acquired
August 21, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2003
Subject Category
Plasma Physics
Distribution Limits

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