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Intelligent Medical Systems for Aerospace Emergency Medical ServicesThe purpose of this project is to develop a portable, hands free device for emergency medical decision support to be used in remote or confined settings by non-physician providers. Phase I of the project will entail the development of a voice-activated device that will utilize an intelligent algorithm to provide guidance in establishing an airway in an emergency situation. The interactive, hands free software will process requests for assistance based on verbal prompts and algorithmic decision-making. The device will allow the CMO to attend to the patient while receiving verbal instruction. The software will also feature graphic representations where it is felt helpful in aiding in procedures. We will also develop a training program to orient users to the algorithmic approach, the use of the hardware and specific procedural considerations. We will validate the efficacy of this mode of technology application by testing in the Johns Hopkins Department of Emergency Medicine. Phase I of the project will focus on the validation of the proposed algorithm, testing and validation of the decision making tool and modifications of medical equipment. In Phase 11, we will produce the first generation software for hands-free, interactive medical decision making for use in acute care environments.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Contractor or Grantee Report
Epler, John
(Ibex Healthdata Systems Rosemont, IL, United States)
Zimmer, Gary
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Baltimore, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 13, 2004
Subject Category
Life Sciences (General)
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: STTR-00.00-0000
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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