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Path to a Research PlanThis viewgraph presentation discusses the status and goals for the NASA OBPR Physical Science Research Program. The following text was used to summarize the presentation. The OBPR Physical Sciences Research program has been comprehensively reviewed and endorsed by National Research Council. The value and need for the research have been re-affirmed. The research program has been prioritized and resource re-allocations have been carried out through an OBPR-wide process. An increasing emphasis on strategic, mission-oriented research is planned. The program will strive to maintain a balance between strategic and fundamental research. A feasible ISS flight research program fitting within the budgetary and ISS resource envelopes has been formulated for the near term (2003-2007). The current ISS research program will be significantly strengthened starting 2005 by using discipline dedicated research facility racks. A research re-planning effort has been initiated and will include active participation from the research community in the next few months. The research re-planning effort will poise PSR to increase ISS research utilization for a potential enhancement beyond ISS IP Core Complete. The Physical Sciences research program readily integrates the cross-disciplinary requirements of the NASA and OBPR strategic objectives. Each fundamental research thrust will develop a roadmap through technical workshops and Discipline Working Groups (DWGs). Most fundamental research thrusts will involve cross-disciplinary efforts. A Technology Roadmap will guide the Strategic Research for Exploration thrust. The Research Plan will integrate and coordinate fundamental Research Thrusts Roadmaps with the Technology Roadmap. The Technology Roadmap will be developed in coordination with other OBPR programs as well as other Enterprise (R,S,M,N). International Partners will contribute to the roadmaps and through research coordination. The research plan will be vetted with the discipline working groups, the BPRAC subcommittees, and with the BPRAC. Recommendations from NRC past and current committees will be implemented whenever appropriate.Proposed theme element content will be "missionized" around planned content and potential new projects (facilities, modules, initiatives) on approximately a five-year horizon, with the approval of PSRD management. Center/science working group teams will develop descriptions of "mission" objectives, value, and requirements. Purpose is to create a competitive environment for concept development and to stimulate community ownership/advocacy. Proposed theme elements reviewed and approved by PSRD management. Strawman roadmaps for themes developed. Program budget and technology requirements verified. Theme elements are prioritized with the input of advisory groups. Integration into program themes (questions) and required technology investments are defined by science and technology roadmaps. Review and assessment by OBPR management.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Chiaramonte, Fran
(NASA Headquarters Washington, DC United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
December 1, 2003
Publication Information
Publication: Results of the Workshop on Two-Phase Flow, Fluid Stability and Dynamics: Issues in Power, Propulsion, and Advanced Life Support Systems
Subject Category
Administration And Management
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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