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Magnetospheric Magnetic Reconnection with Southward IMF by a 3D EMPM SimulationWe report our new simulation results on magnetospheric magnetic reconnection with southward IMF using a 3D EMPM model, with greater resolution and more particles using the parallelized 3D HPF TRISTAN code on VPP5000 supercomputer. Main parameters used in the new simulation are: domain size is 215 x 145 x 145, grid size = 0.5 Earth radius, initial particle number is 16 per cell, the IMF is southward. Arrival of southward IMF will cause reconnection in the magnetopause, thus allowing particles to enter into the inner magnetosphere. Sunward and tailward high particle flow are observed by satellites, and these phenomena are also observed in the simulation near the neutral line (X line) of the near-Earth magnetotail. This high particle flow goes along with the reconnected island. The magnetic reconnection process contributes to direct plasma entry between the magnetosheath to the inner magnetosphere and plasma sheet, in which the entry process eats the magnetosheath plasma to plasma sheet temperatures. We investigate magnetic, electric fields, density, and current during this magnetic reconnection with southward IMF. Further investigation with this simulation will provide insight into unsolved problems, such as the triggering of storms and substorms, and the storm-substorm relationship. New results will be presented at the meeting.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Nishikawa, K.-I.
Yan, X. Y.
Cai, D. S.
Lembege, B.
Date Acquired
August 21, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Subject Category
Meeting Information
Meeting: Explosive Phenomena in Magnetized Plasma: New Development of Reconnection Research
Location: Kyoto
Country: Japan
Start Date: March 17, 2004
End Date: March 19, 2004
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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