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Combustion Of Moving Droplets And Of Droplets Suspended Within A Convective Environment: Transient Numerical ResultsThe problem considered is that of a single-component liquid fuel (n-heptane) droplet undergoing evaporation and combustion in a hot, convective, low pressure, zero-gravity environment of infinite expanse. For a moving droplet, the relative velocity (U(sub infinity)) between the droplet and freestream is subject to change due to the influence of the drag force on the droplet. For a suspended droplet, the relative velocity is kept constant. The governing equations for the gas-phase and the liquid-phase consist of the unsteady, axisymmetric equations of mass, momentum, species (gas-phase only) and energy conservation. Interfacial conservation equations are employed to couple the two phases. Variable properties are used in the gas- and liquid-phase. Multicomponent diffusion in the gas-phase is accounted for by solving the Stefan-Maxwell equations for the species diffusion velocities. A one-step overall reaction is used to model the combustion. The governing equations are discretized using the finite volume and SIMPLEC methods. A colocated grid is adopted. Hyperbolic tangent stretching functions are used to concentrate grid points near the fore and aft lines of symmetry and at the droplet surface in both the gas- and liquid-phase. The discretization equations are solved using the ADI method with the TDMA used on each line of the two alternating directions. Iterations are performed within each time-step until convergence is achieved. The grid spacing, size of the computational domain and time-step were tested to ensure that all solutions are independent of these parameters. A detailed discussion of the numerical model is given.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Gogos, George
(Nebraska Univ. Lincoln, NE, United States)
Pope, Daniel N.
(Nebraska Univ. Lincoln, NE, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 2003
Publication Information
Publication: Seventh International Workshop on Microgravity Combustion and Chemically Reacting Systems
Subject Category
Aircraft Propulsion And Power
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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