A Look from the InsideNASA's Hubble Space Telescope has given the world amazing images of the distant stars, planets, and galaxies. The cutting-edge imaging technology that enhances the Hubble images also extends its benefits to life here on Earth, from deciphering previously unreadable portions of the Dead Sea Scrolls to improving digital mammographies for advanced cancer detection. This imaging technology is now helping physicians to perform micro-invasive arthroscopic surgery, which is the visual examination of an interior joint such as the knee. In 1997, NASA's Glenn Research Center signed a Space Act Agreement with Micro Medical Devices, Inc. (MMD), a medical device engineering company that licenses miniature surgical devices. At that time, MMD was in the process of developing a new micro-endoscope. This tool enables surgeons to view what is happening inside the body on a screen, eliminating the need for a more invasive diagnostic procedure. The images from the micro-endoscope needed to be extremely clear, a challenge with the tool s small size. The images also needed to be viewed in real time to allow surgeons to see what was happening in the body at that very moment. MMD established Clear Image Technology, LLC, of Elyria, Ohio, to commercialize the miniature endoscope. Clear Image Technology then partnered with Arthrotek, Inc., a sports medicine subsidiary of Biomet, Inc., to introduce the tool to the commercial market as the InnerVue[TM] Diagnostic Scope System. The InnerVue system is designed for use in a diagnostic environment, such as an office or outpatient service, to evaluate conditions within a joint. While the InnerVue scope is primarily being applied to the knee and shoulder, other small joints such as the wrist, elbow, and ankle are being investigated. A physician can use the system alone or in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the next treatment step for each patient. The procedure can be more accurate than MRI, particularly with diagnosing cartilage and articular surface damage and assessing arthritis severity.