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Aircraft Noise Perception Study in Brazil: A Perspective on Airport Sustainable Growth and Environmental AwarenessAircraft noise perception is related to several variables that are tangible and objective, such as the number of operations, flight schedules. Other variables, instead, are more subjective, such as preferences. However, although their elusiveness, they contribute to determine the individuals' perception of this type of externality. Despite the fact that the complaints related to aeronautical noise have been registered since the decade of 50, it has been observed that the perception of noise seems to have grown, especially since the 80's. It has been argued that this change in noise perception has its roots on the accelerated expansion of air traffic. But, it is necessary to point out the important role played on modeling preferences, by the growing environmental conscience and the higher welfare and quality of life standards and expectations. In that context, the main objective of this paper is to study the aeronautical noise perception in the neighborhoods of the Aeroporto Internacional de Sao Paulo - AISP (the biggest airport of South America). Specifically, it analyzes the relationship between aircraft noise perception and social class, which is expected to be positive. Since noise perception is an intangible variable, this study chose as a proxy the value losses of residential properties, caused by aeronautical noise. The variable social class has been measured utilizing average per capita income of the population who live nearby the airport. The comparison of both, the lowest and the highest social class suggests that the relationship between social class and noise perception is positive in the AISP region. Moreover, it was observed that all social classes are very susceptible to aircraft noise annoyance. In fact, the magnitude of the noise perception proxy for both social classes -the residential value losses- was found to be comparable to levels encountered in developed countries.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
deArantesGomesEller, Rogerio
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Urbina, Ligia Maria Soto
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Porto, Protogenes Pires
(Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
July 1, 2003
Publication Information
Publication: The Conference Proceedings of the 2003 Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Volume 2
Subject Category
Environment Pollution
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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