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Cost Effective Measures to Reduce CO2 Emissions in the Air Freight SectorThis paper presents cost effective measures to reduce CO2 emissions in the air freight sector. One door-to-door transport chain is studied in detail from a Scandinavian city to a city in southern Europe. The transport chain was selected by a group of representatives from the air freight sector in order to encompass general characteristics within the sector. Three different ways of shipping air cargo are studied, i.e., by air freighter, as belly freight (in passenger aircrafts) and trucking. CO2 emissions are calculated for each part of the transport chain and its relative importance towards the total amount CO2 emitted during the whole transport chain is shown. It is confirmed that the most CO2 emitting part of the transport chain is the actual flight and that it is in the take-off and climbing phases that most fuel are burned. It is also known that the technical development of aircraft implies a reduction in fuel consumption for each new generation of aircraft. Thus, the aircraft manufacturers have an important role in this development. Having confirmed these observations, this paper focuses on other factors that significantly affects the fuel consumption. Analyzed factors are, e.g., optimization of speed and altitude, traffic management, congestion on and around the airfields, tankering, "latest acceptance time" for goods and improving the load factor. The different factors relative contribution to the total emission levels for the transport chain has been estimated.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Blinge, Magnus
(Transport Research Inst. Goeteborg, Sweden)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
July 1, 2003
Publication Information
Publication: The Conference Proceedings of the 2003 Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Volume 5
Subject Category
Air Transportation And Safety
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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