Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, Part 22The Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, Part 22 is presented. The topics include: 1) Pressure Histories from Thin and Thick Shock-induced Melt Veins in Meteorites; 2) Nano-structured Minerals as Signature of Microbial Activity; 3) The Insoluble Carbonaceous Material of CM Chondrites as Possible Source of Discrete Organics During the Asteroidal Aqueous Phase; 4) Discovery of Abundant Presolar Silicates in Subgroups of Antarctic Micrometeorites; 5) Characteristics of a Seismometer for the LUNAR-A Penetrator; 6) Heating Experiments of the HaH 262 Eucrite and Implication for the Metamorphic History of Highly Metamorphosed Eucrites; 7) Measurements of Ejecta Velocity Distribution by a High-Speed Video Camera; 8) Petrological Comparison of Mongolian Jalanash Ureilite and Twelve Antarctic Ureilites; 9) Metallographic Cooling Rate of IVA Irons Revisited; 10) Inhomogeneous Temperature Distribution in Chondrules in Shock-Wave Heating Model; 11) Subsurface Weathering of Rocks and Soils at Gusev Crater; 12) Extinct Radioactivities in the Early Solar System and the Mean Age of the Galaxy; 13) Correlation of Rock Spectra with Quantitative Morphologic Indices: Evidence for a Single Rock Type at the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site; 14) Silicon Isotopic Ratios of Presolar Grains from Supernovae; 15) Current Status and Readiness on In-Situ Exploration of Asteroid Surface by MINERVA Rover in Hayabusa Mission; 16) Long Formation Period of Single CAI: Combination of O and Mg Isotope Distribution; 17) Supra-Canonical Initial 26Al/27Al Indicate a 105 Year Residence Time for CAIs in the Solar Proto-Planetary Disk; 18) Evolution of Mercury's Obliquity; 19) First Results from the Huygens Surface Science Package; 20) Polyhedral Serpentine Grains in CM Chondrites; 21) Mountainous Units in the Martian Gusev Highland Region: Volcanic, Tectonic, or Impact Related? 22) Petrography of Lunar Meteorite MET 01210, A New Basaltic Regolith Breccia; 23) Earth-Moon Impacts at ~300 Ma and ~500 Ma Ago; 24) Chemical and Isotopic Analyses of Apollo 16 Glasses: An Integrated Approach; 25) Measuring the Surfaces on Mars; 26) Melting in Martian Snowbanks; 27) The Effect of Ni on Fe-FeS Phase Relations: Implications for the Chemistry of the Martian Core; 28) Shorelines in the Western United States as Analogs for Hypothesized Shoreline Features on Mars; 29) Al and Ti Isotopic Ratios of Presolar SiC Grains of Type Z; 30) Physicochemical Conditions of Clinopyroxene Crystallization in the Parental Bodies of Ordinary Chondrites; 31) Metamorphosed CM and CI Carbonaceous Chondrites Could be from the Breakup of the Same Earth-crossing Asteroid; 32) Aqueous Alteration and Hydrogen Generation on Parent Bodies of Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites: Thermodynamic Modeling for the Semarkona Composition; and 33) Preliminary Analysis of Relative Abundances of Hydrothermal Alteration Products in the C1-N10, Y6-N19, and Yax-1_863.51 Impact Melt Samples, Chicxulub Structure, Mexico
Sponsors: NASA Johnson Space Center, Lunar and Planetary Inst.
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