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The Office of the Materials DivisionI was assigned to the Materials Division, which consists of the following branches; the Advanced Metallics Branch/5120-RMM, Ceramics Branch/5130-RMC, Polymers Branch/5150-RMP, and the Durability and Protective Coatings Branch/5160-RMD. Mrs. Pamela Spinosi is my assigned mentor. She was assisted by Ms.Raysa Rodriguez/5100-RM and Mrs.Denise Prestien/5100-RM, who are both employed by InDyne, Inc. My primary assignment this past summer was working directly with Ms. Rodriguez, assisting her with setting up the Integrated Financial Management Program (IFMP) 5130-RMC/Branch procedures and logs. These duties consisted of creating various spreadsheets for each individual branch member, which were updated daily. It was not hard to familiarize myself with these duties since this is my second summer working with Ms Rodriguez at NASA Glenn Research Center. RMC ordering laboratory, supplies and equipment for the Basic Materials Laboratory (Building 106) using the IF'MP/Purchase Card (P-card), a NASA-wide software program. I entered into the IFMP/Travel and Requisitions System, new Travel Authorizations for the 5130-RMC Civil Servant Branch Members. I also entered and completed Travel Vouchers for the 5130-RMC Ceramics Branch. I assisted in the Division Office creating new Emergency Contact list for the Materials Division. I worked with Dr. Hugh Gray, the Division Chief, and Dr. Ajay Misra, the 5130-RMC Branch Chief, on priority action items, with a close deadline, for a large NASA Proposal. Another project was working closely with Ms. Rodriguez in organizing and preparing for Dr. Ajay K. Misra's SESCDP (two year detail). This consisted of organizing files, file folders, personal information, and recording all data material onto CD's and printing all presentations for display in binders. I attended numerous Branch meetings, and observed many changes in the Branch Management organization.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Ramsey, amanda J.
(Lorain County Community Coll. Elyria, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Publication Information
Publication: Research Symposium II
Subject Category
Administration And Management
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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