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Syntheses and Chemosensory of Anthracene and Phenanthrene Bisimide DerivativesAs the present technology of biochemical weapons advances, it is essential for science to attempt to prepare our nation for such an occurrence. Various areas of current research are devoted to precautionary measures and potential antidotes for national security. A practical application of these precautions would be the development of a chemical capable of detecting harmful gas. The benefits of being capable to synthesis a chemical compound that would warn and identify potentially deadly gases would ensure a higher level of safety. The chemicals in question can be generalized as bisimide anthracene derivatives. The idea behind these compounds is that in the presence of certain nerve gases, the compound will actually fluoresce, giving an indication that there is a strong likelihood of the presence of a nerve gas and ensure the proper precautionary measures are taken. The fluorescence is due to the quenching of an electric proton transfer within the structure of the molecule. The system proves to be very unique on account of the fact that the fluorescence can be "turned off" by reducing the system. By utilizing the synthesis designed by Dr. Faysal Ilhan, four distinct compounds can be synthesized through photochemical reactions involving para- and ortho- diketones. The photochemistry involved is very modem and much research is being devoted to fully understanding the possibilities and alternative applications of such materials. and meta-nitro anthracene bisimide (ABI-NO2), the amine of each (ABI-NH2), a para- and meta-nitro phenanthrene bisimjde (PBI-NO2), and the amine of each (PBI-NH2). Upon synthesizing these distinct compounds, I must then purify and analyze them in order to obtain any relevant trends, behaviors, and characteristics. The chemical composition analyses that will be conducted are the procedures taken by Dr. Daniel Tyson on previous experiments. The results generated from the data will point further research in the correct direction and hopefully provide enough information to possibly create a stepping-stone for a brand new area in an unexplored frontier of chemistry.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Bogusz, Zachary A.
(Ithaca Coll. Ithaca, NY, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Publication Information
Publication: Research Symposium II
Subject Category
Chemistry And Materials (General)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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