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Upgrades at the Propulsion Systems Lab (PSL)The Propulsion Systems Lab (PSL) does ground testing on full size air breathing engines. These engines range from those on commercial airplanes to fighter jets. At the PSL, engineers receive test requirements from customers and put together the necessary instrumentation, data systems, power requirements, electrical control valves, and engine controls. The engineers are also responsible for facility maintenance, repairs and upgrades. There are four major sections at the PSL; the Test floor, the Data room, the Control room and, the WDPF room. On the test floor are two test cells, cell #3 and cell #4. It is within these cells that the actual engine resides for ground testing. The cells, once sealed and taken up to altitude, are capable of reaching engine inlet temperatures of 1000 F to -90 F, and various atmospheric pressures. The engine, when operational, takes in air and gives out exhaust of up to 2000 F. The exhaust is led to another section of the cell where it is cooled to 150 F before finally redirected to the appropriate disposer. Temperature and pressure transducers detect the conditions within the cell and transmit them to the data room where the results are captured, processed, analyzed, and translated to a more comprehensive language. This is made possible with the aid of several programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and instrumentation and control systems. The translated data is then sent, via the LAN, to the control room where the results can be viewed on monitors by the engineers and customers. From the control room, the test cell conditions can be changed whenever desired. During tests, a lot takes place in the facility. The WDPF control system monitors and controls all facility parameters. This summer, I will assist the engineers; on an upgrade to the facility's distributed control and dynamic data system, in preparation for an engine test that will begin in September, the installation of control systems and various miscellaneous projects around the PSL.
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Audu, Abdullahi M.
(Cleveland State Univ. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Publication Information
Publication: Research Symposium II
Subject Category
Spacecraft Propulsion And Power
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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