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Air Separation Using Hollow Fiber MembranesThe NASA Glenn Research Center in partnership with the Ohio Aerospace Institute provides internship programs for high school and college students in the areas of science, engineering, professional administrative, and other technical areas. During the summer of 2004, I worked with Dr. Clarence T. Chang at NASA Glenn Research Center s combustion branch on air separation using hollow fiber membrane technology. . In light of the accident of Trans World Airline s flight 800, FAA has mandated that a suitable solution be created to prevent the ignition of fuel tanks in aircrafts. In order for any type of fuel to ignite, three important things are needed: fuel vapor, oxygen, and an energy source. Two different ways to make fuel tanks less likely to ignite are reformulating the fuel to obtain a lower vapor pressure for the fuel and or using an On Board Inert Gas Generating System (OBIGGS) to inert the Central Wing Tank. goal is to accomplish the mission, which means that the Air Separation Module (ASM) tends to be bulky and heavy. The primary goal for commercial aviation companies is to transport as much as they can with the least amount of cost and fuel per person, therefore the ASM must be compact and light as possible. The plan is to take bleed air from the aircraft s engines to pass air through a filter first to remove particulates and then pass the air through the ASM containing hollow fiber membranes. In the lab, there will be a heating element provided to simulate the temperature of the bleed air that will be entering the ASM and analysis of the separated air will be analyzed by a Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS). The GUMS will separate the different compounds in the exit streams of the ASM and provide information on the performance of hollow fiber membranes. Hopefully I can develop ways to improve efficiency of the ASM. different types of jet fuel were analyzed and data was well represented on SAE Paper 982485. Data consisted of the concentrations of over 300 different hydrocarbons commonly found in JP- 8, Jet A, and JP-5 fuels. I researched the major hydrocarbons that has a concentration of greater than 50 parts per million and found the vapor pressure data coefficients for a specific temperature range. The coefficients were applied to Antoine s Equation and Riedel's Equation to calculate the vapor pressures for that specific hydrocarbon in the specific temperature range. With the vapor pressure data scientists can formulate a fuel composition that has a lower vapor pressure profile, therefore making jet fuels less flammable. work, learn how to operate and examine the data from Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer, and develop new ways in applying hollow fiber membrane technology to other areas of environmental engineering. The United States military currently uses air separation technology and their primary The other side of making air travel safer is to reformulate the fuel. Analyses of three My goal this summer is to learn about hollow fiber membrane technologies and how they
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Huang, Stephen E.
(California Polytechnic State Univ. San Luis Obispo, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Publication Information
Publication: Research Symposium II
Subject Category
Air Transportation And Safety
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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