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College Bound with the Office of Educational ProgramsThe Educational Programs Office at NASA Glenn Research Center hosts a variety of programs that takes on the hard task of getting students of all ages interested in pursuing careers in science, mathematics, and engineering. To help assist students along the way there are many programs to participate in such as: the explorers, shadowing opportunities, and paid internships. The Educational Programs Office not only creates learning opportunities for students, they also host workshops to help educators enhance their knowledge these fields. This summer I assisted Marie Borowski in the Educational Programs Office with the Tennessee State University College Bound Program. The Tennessee state University College Bound Program is an intensive two-week summer academic workshop designed to introduce minority students to the profession of engineering. NASA Glenn Research Center sent forty dedicated students on a bus to Nashville, Tennessee to experience college life as a whole. At the college the students day consisted of a math class, aeronautics, ACT/SAT preparation, writing and research, African American Culture, computer science, and study sessions. The students also went on educational field trips to the Fisk Museum, the Space and Rocket Center, and the Parthenon Museum. On the last day of the program the students competed in an oratorical contest where the students made a Powerpoint presentation on the class that they enjoyed the most. There were many processes that had to be put into action for the college bound program to run smoothly. The process started in early January with the preparation of applications. Once prepared, the applications were then sent to schools and past participants in hopes of receiving a well-qualified pool of applicants. Once the applications were received, a prescreening is done which ensures all of the information is complete. Then, they are reviewed by a panel, using a rubric to evaluate them, and the semifinalists are then selected. Interviews are held with the students and their parents had to be interviewed by a panel of judges and graded on a rubric. The scores were added up and the forty students were selected. My job this summer was getting the students ready to leave for Tennessee. My job consisted of working very closely with my mentor, Marie Borowski, compile the student data to provide it to the chaperones, TSU records, and NASA records. I learned about the vital communication between the NASA and the TSU program managers. After all the planning was done and the program had begun I had a chance to fly to Tennessee for six days to observe the students daily activities. The students had adjusted very well to the intense schedule, and seemed very enthusiastic about the activities to follow. The whole group was very attentive and enthusiastic program be longer. My goals for the summer were all met. I wanted to learn and retain all the information I possibly could on the job I was given. I was very happy with the end result.
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Document Type
Neal, Brittany D.
(Allegheny Coll. Meadville, PA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Publication Information
Publication: Research Symposium II
Subject Category
Social And Information Sciences (General)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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