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Kinematic Characteristics of the Posture Corrective Responses After 6 Hours Exposure to Support Withdrawal EnvironmentPosture disorders are an inevitable consequence of exposure to microgravity . However, the role of different sensorimotor and sensory factors on postural function at different stages of the exposure to microgravity still remains unknown. The results obtained in a 6 hr dry immersion (DI) study where chest pushes served as a pre- and post-immersion perturbation, and DI was used as an analog of microgravity suggest that in addition to vestibular contributions, postural control may be related to a reduction of support loading and consequent decline of the tone of anti-gravitational muscles. Analysis of postural video data in response to chest pushes obtained before and after DI indicate that the structure of corrective responses was modified so that postural perturbations from threshold to moderate pushes showed a significant rise in the amplitude of ankle and knee angular displacement. With push intensity near the submaximal level, equilibrium was maintained by the elimination of excessive degrees of freedom; as manifested by the restriction of the hip joints mobility when coupled with a reduction of the knee and ankle displacement. These results suggest that DI increases the sensitivity of the posture control system by making posture control more rigid reflecting a change of the weight bearing receptors.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Sayenko D.
(Academy of Sciences (Russia) Moscow, Russia)
Miller, T.
(Academy of Sciences (Russia) Moscow, Russia)
Sayenko. I.
(Academy of Sciences (Russia) Moscow, Russia)
Kozlovskaya, I.
(Academy of Sciences (Russia) Moscow, Russia)
Reschke, M.
(NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Subject Category
Aerospace Medicine
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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