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Radiometer Calibrations: Saving Time by Automating the Gathering and Analysis ProceduresMr. Abtahi custom-designs radiometers for Mr. Hook's research group. Inherently, when the radiometers report the temperature of arbitrary surfaces, the results are affected by errors in accuracy. This problem can be reduced if the errors can be accounted for in a polynomial. This is achieved by pointing the radiometer at a constant-temperature surface. We have been using a Hartford Scientific WaterBath. The measurements from the radiometer are collected at many different temperatures and compared to the measurements made by a Hartford Chubb thermometer with a four-decimal point resolution. The data is analyzed and fit to a fifth-order polynomial. This formula is then uploaded into the radiometer software, enabling accurate data gathering. Traditionally, Mr. Abtahi has done this by hand, spending several hours of his time setting the temperature, waiting for stabilization, taking measurements, and then repeating for other temperatures. My program, written in the Python language, has enabled the data gathering and analysis process to be handed off to a less-senior member of the team. Simply by entering several initial settings, the program will simultaneously control all three instruments and organize the data suitable for computer analyses, thus giving the desired fifth-order polynomial. This will save time, allow for a more complete calibration data set, and allow for base calibrations to be developed. The program is expandable to simultaneously take any type of measurement from up to nine distinct instruments.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Sadino, Jeffrey L.
(Montana State Univ. Bozeman, MT, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 2005
Publication Information
Publication: Summer Student Research Presentations
Subject Category
Instrumentation And Photography
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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