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G2 Flywheel Module DesignDesign of a flywheel module, designated the G2 module, is described. The G2 flywheel is a 60,000 RPM, 525 W-hr, 1 kW system designed for a laboratory environment; it will be used for component testing and system demonstrations, with the goal of applying flywheels to aerospace energy storage and integrated power and attitude control (IPACS) applications. G2 has a modular design, which allows for new motors, magnetic bearings, touchdown bearings, and rotors to be installed without a complete redesign of the system. This design process involves several engineering disciplines, and requirements are developed for the speed, energy storage, power level, and operating environment. The G2 rotor system consists of a multilayer carbon fiber rim with a titanium hub on which the other components mount, and rotordynamics analysis is conducted to ensure rigid and flexible rotor modes are controllable or outside of the operating speed range. Magnetic bearings are sized using 1-D magnetic circuit analysis and refined using 3-D finite element analysis. The G2 magnetic bearing system was designed by Texas A&M and has redundancy which allows derated operation after the loss of some components, and an existing liquid cooled two pole permanent magnet motor/generator is used. The touchdown bearing system is designed with a squeeze film damper system allowing spin down from full operating speed in case of a magnetic bearing failure. The G2 flywheel will enable module level demonstrations of component technology, and will be a key building block in system level attitude control and IPACS demonstrations.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Jensen, Ralph H.
(Toledo Univ. OH, United States)
Dever, Timothy P.
(QSS Group, Inc. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 2006
Subject Category
Spacecraft Design, Testing And Performance
Report/Patent Number
AIAA Paper 2004-5603
Meeting Information
Meeting: 2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC)
Location: Providence, RI
Country: United States
Start Date: August 16, 2004
End Date: August 19, 2004
Sponsors: American Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Funding Number(s)
WBS: WBS 22-612-50-81-11
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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