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Overview of SIM wide angle astrometric system calibration strategiesThis paper summarizes two very different strategies envisioned for calibrating the systematic field dependent biases present in the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM) instrument. The Internal Calibration strategy is based on pre-launch measurements combined with a set of on orbit measurements generated by a source internal to the instrument. The External Calibration strategy uses stars as an external source for generating the calibration function. Both approaches demand a significant amount of innovation given that SIM's calibration strategy requires a post-calibration error of 100picometers over a 15 degree field of regard while the uncalibrated instrument introduces 10's-100's of nanometers of error. The calibration strategies are discussed in the context of the Wide Angle Astrometric mode of the instrument, although variations on the Internal Calibration Strategy may be used for doing Narrow Angle Astrometry.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Conference Paper
External Source(s)
Sievers, L. A.
Milman, M. H.
Shaklan, S. B.
Korechoff, R. P.
Catanzarite, J.
Basdogan, I.
Papalexandris, M. V.
Schwartz, R.
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
August 22, 2002
Subject Category
Distribution Limits
calibration SIM optical modeling

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