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Method and apparatus for chemical and topographical microanalysisA scanning probe microscope is combined with a laser induced breakdown spectrometer to provide spatially resolved chemical analysis of the surface correlated with the surface topography. Topographical analysis is achieved by scanning a sharp probe across the sample at constant distance from the surface. Chemical analysis is achieved by the means of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy by delivering pulsed laser radiation to the sample surface through the same sharp probe, and consequent collection and analysis of emission spectra from plasma generated on the sample by the laser radiation. The method comprises performing microtopographical analysis of the sample with a scanning probe, selecting a scanned topological site on the sample, generating a plasma plume at the selected scanned topological site, and measuring a spectrum of optical emission from the plasma at the selected scanned topological site. The apparatus comprises a scanning probe, a pulsed laser optically coupled to the probe, an optical spectrometer, and a controller coupled to the scanner, laser and spectrometer for controlling the operation of the scanner, laser and spectrometer. The probe and scanner are used for topographical profiling the sample. The probe is also used for laser radiation delivery to the sample for generating a plasma plume from the sample. Optical emission from the plasma plume is collected and delivered to the optical spectrometer so that analysis of emission spectrum by the optical spectrometer allows for identification of chemical composition of the sample at user selected sites.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Other - Patent
Kossakovski, Dmitri A.
Baldeschwieler, John D.
Beauchamp, Jesse L.
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
October 15, 2002
Subject Category
Instrumentation And Photography
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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