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Microwave Soil Moisture Retrieval Under TreesSoil moisture is recognized as an important component of the water, energy, and carbon cycles at the interface between the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Current baseline soil moisture retrieval algorithms for microwave space missions have been developed and validated only over grasslands, agricultural crops, and generally light to moderate vegetation. Tree areas have commonly been excluded from operational soil moisture retrieval plans due to the large expected impact of trees on masking the microwave response to the underlying soil moisture. Our understanding of the microwave properties of trees of various sizes and their effect on soil moisture retrieval algorithms at L band is presently limited, although research efforts are ongoing in Europe, the United States, and elsewhere to remedy this situation. As part of this research, a coordinated sequence of field measurements involving the ComRAD (for Combined Radar/Radiometer) active/passive microwave truck instrument system has been undertaken. Jointly developed and operated by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and George Washington University, ComRAD consists of dual-polarized 1.4 GHz total-power radiometers (LH, LV) and a quad-polarized 1.25 GHz L band radar sharing a single parabolic dish antenna with a novel broadband stacked patch dual-polarized feed, a quad-polarized 4.75 GHz C band radar, and a single channel 10 GHz XHH radar. The instruments are deployed on a mobile truck with an 19-m hydraulic boom and share common control software; real-time calibrated signals, and the capability for automated data collection for unattended operation. Most microwave soil moisture retrieval algorithms developed for use at L band frequencies are based on the tau-omega model, a simplified zero-order radiative transfer approach where scattering is largely ignored and vegetation canopies are generally treated as a bulk attenuating layer. In this approach, vegetation effects are parameterized by tau and omega, the microwave vegetation opacity and single scattering albedo. One goal of our current research is to determine whether the tau-omega model can work for tree canopies given the increased scatter from trees compared to grasses and crops, and. if so, what are effective values for tau and omega for trees.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Extended Abstract
O'Neill, P.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Lang, R.
(George Washington Univ. Washington, DC, United States)
Kurum, M.
(George Washington Univ. Washington, DC, United States)
Joseph, A.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Jackson, T.
(Department of Agriculture Beltsville, MD, United States)
Cosh, M.
(Department of Agriculture Beltsville, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
July 6, 2008
Subject Category
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Meeting Information
Meeting: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Location: Boston, MA
Country: United States
Start Date: July 6, 2008
End Date: July 11, 2008
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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