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Geologic Mapping of V-19, V-28, and V-53The Sedna Planitia Quadrangle (V-19) extend from 25 deg N - 50 deg N latitude, 330 deg - 0 deg longitude. The quadrangle contains the northern-most portion of western Eistla Regio and the Sedna Planitia lowlands. Geologic maps of Sedna Planitia (V-199), Hecate Chasma (V-28) quadrangles have been completed at the 1:5,000,000 scale as part of the NASA Planetary Geologic Mapping Program. All quadrangles (V-53, V-28 and V-19) have been reviewed at lease once and will be resubmitted. In V-28 and V-53, more plains materials units have been mapped than in previously mapped quadrangles V-46 and V-39. V-19 is more comparable to these latter maps in terms of numbers of plains units. In V-28, all of the plains materials units to the south of the rift have an unusually high concentration of volcanic edifices, which both predate and postdate the units. A similar situation is seen in V-53 and V-19, where small edifice formation is not confined to any specific time period. In the two chasma-related quadrangles, coronae are located along the rift, as well as to the north and the south of the rifts. Coronae in both quadrangles exhibit all forms of corona topographic shapes, including depressions, rimmed depressions, plateaus and domes. In V-28 and V-53, some coronae along the rift do not have much associated volcanism; coronae with the most volcanism in these quadrangles are located at least 500 km off the rifts or on the Themis Regio highland. All three quadrangles have very horizontal stratigraphic columns, as limited contact between units prevents clear age determinations. While this results in the appearance that all units formed at the same time, the use of hachured columns for each unit illustrates the limited nature of our stratigraphic knowledge in these quadrangles, allowing for numerous possible geologic histories. The scale of resurfacing in these quadrangles is on the scale of 100s of kilometers, consistent with the fact that they lie in the most volcanic region of Venus.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Stofan, E. R.
(Proxemy Research, Inc. Laytonsville, MD, United States)
Martin, P.
(Durham Univ. United Kingdom)
Guest, J. E.
(University Coll. London, United Kingdom)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
June 23, 2008
Publication Information
Publication: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, Flagstaff, AZ, 2008
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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