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Formation and Evolution of Lakshmi Planum (V-7), Venus: Assessment of Models using Observations from Geological MappingLakshmi Planum is a high-standing plateau (3.5-4.5 km above MPR) surrounded by the highest mountain ranges on Venus. Lakshmi represents a unique type of elevated region different from dome-shaped and rifted rises and tessera-bearing crustal plateaus. The unique characteristics of Lakshmi suggest that it formed by an unusual combination of processes and played an important role in Venus geologic history. Lakshmi was studied with Venera-15/16 and Magellan data, resulting in two classes of models, divergent and convergent, to explain its unusual topographic and morphologic characteristics. Divergent models explain Lakshmi as a site of mantle upwelling due to rising and subsequent collapse of a mantle diapir; such models explain emplacement of a lava plateau inside Lakshmi and, in some circumstances, formation of the mountain ranges. The convergent models consider Lakshmi as a locus of mantle downwelling, convergence, underthrusting, and possible subduction. Key features in these models are the mountain ranges, high topography of Lakshmi interior, and the large volcanic centers in the plateau center. These divergent and convergent models entail principally different mechanisms of formation and suggest different geodynamic regimes on Venus. Almost all models make either explicit or implicit predictions about the type and sequence of major events during formation and evolution of Lakshmi and thus detailed geological mapping can be used to test them. Here we present the results of such geological mapping (the V-7 quadrangle, 50-75degN, 300-360degE; scale 1:5M) that allows testing the proposed models for Lakshmi.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Ivanov, M. A.
(Academy of Sciences (Russia) Moscow, Russian Federation)
Head, James W.
(Brown Univ. Providence, RI, United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
June 23, 2008
Publication Information
Publication: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, Flagstaff, AZ, 2008
Subject Category
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Public Use Permitted.
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