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Structural Maps of the V-17 Beta Regio Quadrangle, VenusThese represent slices of the geologic map into 7 time-stratigraphic levels whose descriptions are found in [3-6]. From older to younger they are: 1) Tessera material unit (t), 2) Densely fractured plains material unit (pdf), 3) Fractured and ridged plains material unit (pfr), 4) Tessera transitional terrain structural unit (tt), 5) Fracture belts structural unit (fb), 6) Shield plains (psh) and plains with wrinkle ridges (pwr) material units combined, and 7) Lobate (pl) and smooth (ps) plains material units combined and, approximately contemporaneous with them, the structural unit of rifted terrain (rt). Each slice shows the generalized pattern of structures typical of these units. Figures 1-7 show the seven maps and Figure 8 shows the combined map illustrating what is shown in the seven maps. To visualize the Beta Regio uplift outlines, the major structure of this area, we show the +0.5 km and +2.5 km contour lines, corresponding respectively to the base and the mid-height of the uplift. It is seen in Figures 1-2 and 4 the trends of t, pdf and tt occupy relatively small areas and their structures seen in these small windows appear rather variable and with almost no orientation heritage with time. Figure 3 shows that swarms of ridge belts trend mostly NW and go through the Beta structure with no alignment with it, suggesting that this structure did not yet exist at this time. Figure 5 shows that fracture belts align along the northern base of the Beta uplift suggesting onset of the formation of this structure. Figure 6 shows that wrinkle ridges do not show alignment with the Beta uplift suggesting that this already forming structure was not high enough to exert topographic stress in its vicinity. Figure 7 shows that the Beta uplift has Devana Chasma as an axial rift zone, suggesting a genetic link between the uplift and rifting. Figure 8 shows that structural trends in this area significantly changed with time.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Basilevsky, A. t.
(Academy of Sciences (Russia) Moscow, Russian Federation)
Head, James W.
(Brown Univ. Providence, RI, United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
June 23, 2008
Publication Information
Publication: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, Flagstaff, AZ, 2008
Subject Category
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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