Ultra-Thin, Triple-Bandgap GaInP/GaAs/GaInAs Monolithic Tandem Solar CellsThe performance of state-of-the-art, series-connected, lattice-matched (LM), triple-junction (TJ), III-V tandem solar cells could be improved substantially (10-12%) by replacing the Ge bottom subcell with a subcell having a bandgap of approx.1 eV. For the last several years, research has been conducted by a number of organizations to develop approx.1-eV, LM GaInAsN to provide such a subcell, but, so far, the approach has proven unsuccessful. Thus, the need for a high-performance, monolithically integrable, 1-eV subcell for TJ tandems has remained. In this paper, we present a new TJ tandem cell design that addresses the above-mentioned problem. Our approach involves inverted epitaxial growth to allow the monolithic integration of a lattice-mismatched (LMM) approx.1- eV GaInAs/GaInP double-heterostructure (DH) bottom subcell with LM GaAs (middle) and GaInP (top) upper subcells. A transparent GaInP compositionally graded layer facilitates the integration of the LM and LMM components. Handle-mounted, ultra-thin device fabrication is a natural consequence of the inverted-structure approach, which results in a number of advantages, including robustness, potential low cost, improved thermal management, incorporation of back-surface reflectors, and possible reclamation/reuse of the parent crystalline substrate for further cost reduction. Our initial work has concerned GaInP/GaAs/GaInAs tandem cells grown on GaAs substrates. In this case, the 1- eV GaInAs experiences 2.2% compressive LMM with respect to the substrate. Specially designed GaInP graded layers are used to produce 1-eV subcells with performance parameters nearly equaling those of LM devices with the same bandgap (e.g., LM, 1-eV GaInAsP grown on InP). Previously, we reported preliminary ultra-thin tandem devices (0.237 cm2) with NREL-confirmed efficiencies of 31.3% (global spectrum, one sun) (1), 29.7% (AM0 spectrum, one sun) (2), and 37.9% (low-AOD direct spectrum, 10.1 suns) (3), all at 25 C. Here, we include recent results of testing similar devices under the concentrated AMO spectrum, and also present the first demonstration of a high-efficiency, ultra-thin GaInP/GaAs/GaInAs tandem cell processed on a flexible kapton handle.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Wanlass, M. W. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Ahrenkiel, S. P. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Albin, D. S. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Carapella, J. J. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Duda, A. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Emery, K. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Geisz, J. F. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Jones, K. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Kurtz, Sarah (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Moriarty, T. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Romero, M. J. (National Renewable Energy Lab. Golden, CO, United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 2007
Publication Information
Publication: Proceedings of the 19th Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference
IDRelationTitle20090022280Collected WorksProceedings of the 19th Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference20090022280Collected WorksProceedings of the 19th Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference