NASA Tech Briefs, November 2009Topics covered include: Cryogenic Chamber for Servo-Hydraulic Materials Testing; Apparatus Measures Thermal Conductance Through a Thin Sample from Cryogenic to Room Temperature; Rover Attitude and Pointing System Simulation Testbed; Desktop Application Program to Simulate Cargo-Air-Drop Tests; Multimodal Friction Ignition Tester; Small-Bolt Torque-Tension Tester; Integrated Spacesuit Audio System Enhances Speech Quality and Reduces Noise; Hardware Implementation of a Bilateral Subtraction Filter; Simple Optoelectronic Feedback in Microwave Oscillators; Small X-Band Oscillator Antennas; Free-Space Optical Interconnect Employing VCSEL Diodes; Discrete Fourier Transform Analysis in a Complex Vector Space; Miniature Scroll Pumps Fabricated by LIGA; Self-Assembling, Flexible, Pre-Ceramic Composite Preforms; Flight-speed Integral Image Analysis Toolkit; Work Coordination Engine; Multi-Mission Automated Task Invocation Subsystem; Autonomously Calibrating a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer; Determining Spacecraft Reaction Wheel Friction Parameters; Composite Silica Aerogels Opacified with Titania; Multiplexed Colorimetric Solid-Phase Extraction; Detecting Airborne Mercury by Use of Polymer/Carbon Films; Lattice-Matched Semiconductor Layers on Single Crystalline Sapphire Substrate; Pressure-Energized Seal Rings to Better Withstand Flows; Rollerjaw Rock Crusher; Microwave Sterilization and Depyrogenation System; Quantifying Therapeutic and Diagnostic Efficacy in 2D Microvascular Images; NiF2/NaF:CaF2/Ca Solid-State High-Temperature Battery Cells; Critical Coupling Between Optical Fibers and WGM Resonators; Microwave Temperature Profiler Mounted in a Standard Airborne Research Canister; Alternative Determination of Density of the Titan Atmosphere; Solar Rejection Filter for Large Telescopes; Automated CFD for Generation of Airfoil Performance Tables; Progressive Classification Using Support Vector Machines; Active Learning with Irrelevant Examples; A Data Matrix Method for Improving the Quantification of Element Percentages of SEM/EDX Analysis; Deployable Shroud for the International X-Ray Observatory; Improved Model of a Mercury Ring Damper; Optoelectronic pH Meter: Further Details; X-38 Advanced Sublimator; and Solar Simulator Represents the Mars Surface Solar Environment.
IDRelationTitle20090040079WorkIntegrated Spacesuit Audio System Enhances Speech Quality and Reduces Noise20090040082WorkCritical Coupling Between Optical Fibers and WGM Resonators20090040050WorkComposite Silica Aerogels Opacified with Titania20090040044WorkSmall X-Band Oscillator Antennas20090040052WorkA Data Matrix Method for Improving the Quantification of Element Percentages of SEM/EDX Analysis20090040058WorkDetermining Spacecraft Reaction Wheel Friction Parameters20090040046WorkOptoelectronic pH Meter: Further Details20090040051WorkProgressive Classification Using Support Vector Machines20090040066WorkAutonomously Calibrating a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer20090040060WorkCryogenic Chamber for Servo-Hydraulic Materials Testing20090040045WorkSelf-Assembling, Flexible, Pre-Ceramic Composite Preforms20090040071WorkDiscrete Fourier Transform Analysis in a Complex Vector Space20090040069WorkSmall-Bolt Torque-Tension Tester20090040070WorkDesktop Application Program to Simulate Cargo-Air-Drop Tests20090040067WorkRollerjaw Rock Crusher20090040059WorkSimple Optoelectronic Feedback in Microwave Oscillators20090040081WorkMultimodal Friction Ignition Tester20090040053WorkPressure-Energized Seal Rings to Better Withstand Flows20090040064WorkSolar Simulator Represents the Mars Surface Solar Environment20090040076WorkAutomated CFD for Generation of Airfoil Performance Tables20090040072WorkDeployable Shroud for the International X-Ray Observatory20090040078WorkImproved Model of a Mercury Ring Damper20090040054WorkDetecting Airborne Mercury by Use of Polymer/Carbon Films20090040075WorkSolar Rejection Filter for Large Telescopes20090040063WorkMulti-Mission Automated Task Invocation Subsystem20090040074WorkAlternative Determination of Density of the Titan Atmosphere20090040065WorkMiniature Scroll Pumps Fabricated by LIGA20090040080WorkRover Attitude and Pointing System Simulation Testbed20090040056WorkQuantifying Therapeutic and Diagnostic Efficacy in 2D Microvascular Images20090040057WorkActive Learning with Irrelevant Examples20090040062WorkFlightspeed Integral Image Analysis Toolkit20090040073WorkX-38 Advanced Sublimator20090040077WorkMultiplexed Colorimetric Solid-Phase Extraction20090040084WorkMicrowave Temperature Profiler Mounted in a Standard Airborne Research Canister20090040048WorkNiF2/NaF:CaF2/Ca Solid-State High-Temperature Battery Cells20090040049WorkApparatus Measures Thermal Conductance Through a Thin Sample from Cryogenic to Room Temperature20090040061WorkLattice-Matched Semiconductor Layers on Single Crystalline Sapphire Substrate20090040068WorkHardware Implementation of a Bilateral Subtraction Filter20090040055WorkFree-Space Optical Interconnect Employing VCSEL Diodes20090040066WorkAutonomously Calibrating a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer20090040067WorkRollerjaw Rock Crusher20090040068WorkHardware Implementation of a Bilateral Subtraction Filter20090040069WorkSmall-Bolt Torque-Tension Tester20090040070WorkDesktop Application Program to Simulate Cargo-Air-Drop Tests20090040071WorkDiscrete Fourier Transform Analysis in a Complex Vector Space20090040072WorkDeployable Shroud for the International X-Ray Observatory20090040073WorkX-38 Advanced Sublimator20090040074WorkAlternative Determination of Density of the Titan Atmosphere20090040075WorkSolar Rejection Filter for Large Telescopes20090040076WorkAutomated CFD for Generation of Airfoil Performance Tables20090040077WorkMultiplexed Colorimetric Solid-Phase Extraction20090040078WorkImproved Model of a Mercury Ring Damper20090040079WorkIntegrated Spacesuit Audio System Enhances Speech Quality and Reduces Noise20090040080WorkRover Attitude and Pointing System Simulation Testbed20090040081WorkMultimodal Friction Ignition Tester20090040082WorkCritical Coupling Between Optical Fibers and WGM Resonators20090040083WorkMicrowave Sterilization and Depyrogenation System20090040084WorkMicrowave Temperature Profiler Mounted in a Standard Airborne Research Canister20090040083WorkMicrowave Sterilization and Depyrogenation System20090040044WorkSmall X-Band Oscillator Antennas20090040045WorkSelf-Assembling, Flexible, Pre-Ceramic Composite Preforms20090040046WorkOptoelectronic pH Meter: Further Details20090040047WorkWork Coordination Engine20090040048WorkNiF2/NaF:CaF2/Ca Solid-State High-Temperature Battery Cells20090040049WorkApparatus Measures Thermal Conductance Through a Thin Sample from Cryogenic to Room Temperature20090040050WorkComposite Silica Aerogels Opacified with Titania20090040051WorkProgressive Classification Using Support Vector Machines20090040052WorkA Data Matrix Method for Improving the Quantification of Element Percentages of SEM/EDX Analysis20090040053WorkPressure-Energized Seal Rings to Better Withstand Flows20090040054WorkDetecting Airborne Mercury by Use of Polymer/Carbon Films20090040055WorkFree-Space Optical Interconnect Employing VCSEL Diodes20090040056WorkQuantifying Therapeutic and Diagnostic Efficacy in 2D Microvascular Images20090040057WorkActive Learning with Irrelevant Examples20090040058WorkDetermining Spacecraft Reaction Wheel Friction Parameters20090040059WorkSimple Optoelectronic Feedback in Microwave Oscillators20090040060WorkCryogenic Chamber for Servo-Hydraulic Materials Testing20090040061WorkLattice-Matched Semiconductor Layers on Single Crystalline Sapphire Substrate20090040062WorkFlightspeed Integral Image Analysis Toolkit20090040063WorkMulti-Mission Automated Task Invocation Subsystem20090040064WorkSolar Simulator Represents the Mars Surface Solar Environment20090040065WorkMiniature Scroll Pumps Fabricated by LIGA20090040047WorkWork Coordination Engine