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Space-Shuttle Emulator SoftwareA package of software has been developed to execute a raw binary image of the space shuttle flight software for simulation of the computational effects of operation of space shuttle avionics. This software can be run on inexpensive computer workstations. Heretofore, it was necessary to use real flight computers to perform such tests and simulations. The package includes a program that emulates the space shuttle orbiter general- purpose computer [consisting of a central processing unit (CPU), input/output processor (IOP), master sequence controller, and buscontrol elements]; an emulator of the orbiter display electronics unit and models of the associated cathode-ray tubes, keyboards, and switch controls; computational models of the data-bus network; computational models of the multiplexer-demultiplexer components; an emulation of the pulse-code modulation master unit; an emulation of the payload data interleaver; a model of the master timing unit; a model of the mass memory unit; and a software component that ensures compatibility of telemetry and command services between the simulated space shuttle avionics and a mission control center. The software package is portable to several host platforms.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Arnold, Scott
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Askew, Bill
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Barry, Matthew R.
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Leigh, Agnes
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Mermelstein, Scott
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Owens, James
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Payne, Dan
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Pemble, Jim
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Sollinger, John
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Thompson, Hiram
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Thompson, James C.
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Walter, Patrick
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Brummel, David
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Weismuller, Steven P.
(United Space Alliance Houston, TX, United States)
Aadsen, Ron
(Raytheon Co. United States)
Hurley, Keith
(Raytheon Co. United States)
Ruhle, Chris
(Raytheon Co. United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
September 1, 2007
Publication Information
Publication: NASA Tech Briefs, September 2007
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: MSC-23289-1
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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