Propagation of New Innovations: An Approach to Classify Human Behavior and Movement from Available Social Network DataIt is interesting to observe new innovations, products, or ideas propagating into the society. One important factor of this propagation is the role of individual's social network; while another factor is individual's activities. In this paper, an approach will be made to analyze the propagation of different ideas in a popular social network. Individuals' responses to different activities in the network will be analyzed. The properties of network will also be investigated for successful propagation of innovations.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Mahmud, Faisal (Old Dominion Univ. Norfolk, VA, United States)
Samiul, Hasan (Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. Cambridge, MA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
March 1, 2010
Publication Information
Publication: Selected Papers Presented at MODSIM World 2009 Conference and Expo
IDRelationTitle20100012837Collected WorksSelected Papers Presented at MODSIM World 2009 Conference and Expo20100012837Collected WorksSelected Papers Presented at MODSIM World 2009 Conference and Expo