Handling Emergency Management in [an] Object Oriented Modeling EnvironmentIt has been understood that protection of a nation from extreme disasters is a challenging task. Impacts of extreme disasters on a nation's critical infrastructures, economy and society could be devastating. A protection plan itself would not be sufficient when a disaster strikes. Hence, there is a need for a holistic approach to establish more resilient infrastructures to withstand extreme disasters. A resilient infrastructure can be defined as a system or facility that is able to withstand damage, but if affected, can be readily and cost-effectively restored. The key issue to establish resilient infrastructures is to incorporate existing protection plans with comprehensive preparedness actions to respond, recover and restore as quickly as possible, and to minimize extreme disaster impacts. Although national organizations will respond to a disaster, extreme disasters need to be handled mostly by local emergency management departments. Since emergency management departments have to deal with complex systems, they have to have a manageable plan and efficient organizational structures to coordinate all these systems. A strong organizational structure is the key in responding fast before and during disasters, and recovering quickly after disasters. In this study, the entire emergency management is viewed as an enterprise and modelled through enterprise management approach. Managing an enterprise or a large complex system is a very challenging task. It is critical for an enterprise to respond to challenges in a timely manner with quick decision making. This study addresses the problem of handling emergency management at regional level in an object oriented modelling environment developed by use of TopEase software. Emergency Operation Plan of the City of Hampton, Virginia, has been incorporated into TopEase for analysis. The methodology used in this study has been supported by a case study on critical infrastructure resiliency in Hampton Roads.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Tokgoz, Berna Eren (Old Dominion Univ. VA, United States)
Cakir, Volkan (Old Dominion Univ. VA, United States)
Gheorghe, Adrian V. (Old Dominion Univ. VA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
March 1, 2010
Publication Information
Publication: Selected Papers Presented at MODSIM World 2009 Conference and Expo
IDRelationTitle20100012837Collected WorksSelected Papers Presented at MODSIM World 2009 Conference and Expo20100012837Collected WorksSelected Papers Presented at MODSIM World 2009 Conference and Expo