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Eta Carinae: A Box of Puzzles...Some Solved, Others AwaitIn the l840's, Eta Carinae brightened to rival Sirius, then faded. Today we see a marginally naked-eye binary with an expanding, very dusty bipolar Homunculus. The energetics of the ejected mass (>l2 to 40 solar masses at 500-700 km/s plus outer bullets/strings up to 3000 km/s} approach that of a supernova. Extragalactic SN surveys detect near-supernovae thought to be like the Great Eruption of the 1840's. Eta Carinae presents an abundance of puzzles: rich in N, but 1/100th the solar C and O abundances; Ti, V, Sr, Sc persist in atomic states.... yet an abundance of molecules and dust exists in the Homunculus. How did molecules and dust form with low C and O? A near supernova occurred in the l840m, yet both binary companions, with total mass > 120 solar masses, survive in a very eccentric orbit. What is the near future of this system: a GRB? a SN? or just two WR stars that ultimately become two SNs? These and other puzzles will be presented
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Gull, Theodore
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
December 6, 2010
Subject Category
Meeting Information
Meeting: Eta Carinae: A Box of Puzzles...Some Solved, Others Await
Location: Lund
Country: Sweden
Start Date: December 6, 2010
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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