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Method and system for fault accommodation of machinesA method for multi-objective fault accommodation using predictive modeling is disclosed. The method includes using a simulated machine that simulates a faulted actual machine, and using a simulated controller that simulates an actual controller. A multi-objective optimization process is performed, based on specified control settings for the simulated controller and specified operational scenarios for the simulated machine controlled by the simulated controller, to generate a Pareto frontier-based solution space relating performance of the simulated machine to settings of the simulated controller, including adjustment to the operational scenarios to represent a fault condition of the simulated machine. Control settings of the actual controller are adjusted, represented by the simulated controller, for controlling the actual machine, represented by the simulated machine, in response to a fault condition of the actual machine, based on the Pareto frontier-based solution space, to maximize desirable operational conditions and minimize undesirable operational conditions while operating the actual machine in a region of the solution space defined by the Pareto frontier.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Other - Patent
Goebel, Kai Frank
Subbu, Rajesh Venkat
Rausch, Randal Thomas
Frederick, Dean Kimball
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
March 8, 2011
Subject Category
Mathematical And Computer Sciences (General)
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
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