Focused and Steady-State Characteristics of Shaped Sonic Boom Signatures: Prediction and AnalysisThe objective of this study is to examine the effect of flight, at off-design conditions, on the propagated sonic boom pressure signatures of a small "low-boom" supersonic aircraft. The amplification, or focusing, of the low magnitude "shaped" signatures produced by maneuvers such as the accelerations from transonic to supersonic speeds, climbs, turns, pull-up and pushovers is the concern. To analyze these effects, new and/or improved theoretical tools have been developed, in addition to the use of existing methodology. Several shaped signatures are considered in the application of these tools to the study of selected maneuvers and off-design conditions. The results of these applications are reported in this paper as well as the details of the new analytical tools. Finally, the magnitude of the focused boom problem for "low boom" supersonic aircraft designs has been more accurately quantified and potential "mitigations" suggested. In general, "shaped boom" signatures, designed for cruise flight, such as asymmetric and symmetric flat-top and initial-shock ramp waveforms retain their basic shape during transition flight. Complex and asymmetric and symmetric initial shock ramp waveforms provide lower magnitude focus boom levels than N-waves or asymmetric and symmetric flat-top signatures.
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Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Maglieri, Domenic J. (Eagle Aeronautics, Inc. Hampton, VA, United States)
Bobbitt, Percy J. (Eagle Aeronautics, Inc. Hampton, VA, United States)
Massey, Steven J. (Eagle Aeronautics, Inc. Hampton, VA, United States)
Plotkin, Kenneth J. (Wyle Labs., Inc. Arlington, VA, United States)
Kandil, Osama A. (Old Dominion Univ. Norfolk, VA, United States)
Zheng, Xudong (Old Dominion Univ. Norfolk, VA, United States)