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Improving Thermomechanical Properties of SiC/SiC CompositesToday, a major thrust toward improving the thermomechanical properties of engine components lies in the development of fiber-reinforced silicon carbide matrix composite materials, including SiC-fiber/SiC-matrix composites. These materials are lighter in weight and capable of withstanding higher temperatures, relative to state-of-the-art metallic alloys and oxide-matrix composites for which maximum use temperatures are in the vicinity of 1,100 C. In addition, the toughness or damage tolerance of the SiC-matrix composites is significantly greater than that of unreinforced silicon-based monolithic ceramics. For successful application in advanced engine systems, the SiC-matrix composites should be able to withstand component service stresses and temperatures for the desired component lifetimes. Inasmuch as the high-temperature structural lives of ceramic materials are typically limited by creep-induced growth of flaws, a key property required of such composite materials is high resistance to creep under conditions of use. Also, the thermal conductivity of the materials should be as high as possible so as to minimize component thermal gradients and thermal stresses. A state-of-the-art SiC-matrix composite is typically fabricated in a three-step process: (1) fabrication of a component-shaped architectural preform reinforced by thermally stable high-performance fibers, (2) chemical-vapor infiltration (CVI) of a fiber-coating material such as boron nitride (BN) into the preform, and (3) infiltration of an SiC-based matrix into the remaining porosity in the preform. Generally, the matrices of the highest-performing composites are fabricated by initial use of a CVI SiC matrix component that is typically more thermally stable and denser than matrix components formed by processes other than CVI. As such, the initial SiC matrix component made by CVI provides better environmental protection to the coated fibers embedded within it. Also, the denser CVI SiC imparts to the composite better resistance to propagation of cracks, enhanced thermal conductivity, and higher creep resistance.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
DiCarlo, James A.
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Bhatt, Ramakrishna T.
(Army Research Lab. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
September 1, 2006
Publication Information
Publication: NASA Tech Briefs, September 2006
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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