NASA Tech Briefs, December 2006Topic include: Inferring Gear Damage from Oil-Debris and Vibration Data; Forecasting of Storm-Surge Floods Using ADCIRC and Optimized DEMs; User Interactive Software for Analysis of Human Physiological Data; Representation of Serendipitous Scientific Data; Automatic Locking of Laser Frequency to an Absorption Peak; Self-Passivating Lithium/Solid Electrolyte/Iodine Cells; Four-Quadrant Analog Multipliers Using G4-FETs; Noise Source for Calibrating a Microwave Polarimeter; Hybrid Deployable Foam Antennas and Reflectors; Coating MCPs with AlN and GaN; Domed, 40-cm-Diameter Ion Optics for an Ion Thruster; Gesture-Controlled Interfaces for Self-Service Machines; Dynamically Alterable Arrays of Polymorphic Data Types; Identifying Trends in Deep Space Network Monitor Data; Predicting Lifetime of a Thermomechanically Loaded Component; Partial Automation of Requirements Tracing; Automated Synthesis of Architecture of Avionic Systems; SSRL Emergency Response Shore Tool; Wholly Aromatic Ether-Imides as n-Type Semiconductors; Carbon-Nanotube-Carpet Heat-Transfer Pads; Pulse-Flow Microencapsulation System; Automated Low-Gravitation Facility Would Make Optical Fibers; Alignment Cube with One Diffractive Face; Graphite Composite Booms with Integral Hinges; Tool for Sampling Permafrost on a Remote Planet; and Special Semaphore Scheme for UHF Spacecraft Communications.
IDRelationTitle20110013640WorkAutomated Low-Gravitation Facility Would Make Optical Fibers20110013623WorkDomed, 40-cm-Diameter Ion Optics for an Ion Thruster20110013637WorkRepresentation of Serendipitous Scientific Data20110013622WorkSpecial Semaphore Scheme for UHF Spacecraft Communications20110013631WorkNoise Source for Calibrating a Microwave Polarimeter20110013627WorkPredicting Lifetime of a Thermomechanically Loaded Component20110013630WorkInferring Gear Damage from Oil-Debris and Vibration Data20110013618WorkAlignment Cube with One Diffractive Face20110013639WorkAutomatic Locking of Laser Frequency to an Absorption Peak20110013632WorkCarbon-Nanotube-Carpet Heat-Transfer Pads20110013628WorkSSRL Emergency Response Shore Tool20110013635WorkCoating MCPs with AlN and GaN20110013638WorkPartial Automation of Requirements Tracing20110013643WorkFour-Quadrant Analog Multipliers Using G4-FETs20110013620WorkGesture-Controlled Interfaces for Self-Service Machines20110013619WorkGraphite Composite Booms with Integral Hinges20110013634WorkForecasting of Storm-Surge Floods Using ADCIRC and Optimized DEMs20110013624WorkHybrid Deployable Foam Antennas and Reflectors20110013641WorkDynamically Alterable Arrays of Polymorphic Data Types20110013633WorkPulse-Flow Microencapsulation System20110013621WorkAutomated Synthesis of Architecture of Avionic Systems20110013625WorkSelf-Passivating Lithium/Solid Electrolyte/Iodine Cells20110013629WorkTool for Sampling Permafrost on a Remote Planet20110013626WorkIdentifying Trends in Deep Space Network Monitor Data20110013642WorkWholly Aromatic Ether-Imides as n-Type Semiconductors20110013618WorkAlignment Cube with One Diffractive Face20110013619WorkGraphite Composite Booms with Integral Hinges20110013620WorkGesture-Controlled Interfaces for Self-Service Machines20110013621WorkAutomated Synthesis of Architecture of Avionic Systems20110013622WorkSpecial Semaphore Scheme for UHF Spacecraft Communications20110013623WorkDomed, 40-cm-Diameter Ion Optics for an Ion Thruster20110013624WorkHybrid Deployable Foam Antennas and Reflectors20110013625WorkSelf-Passivating Lithium/Solid Electrolyte/Iodine Cells20110013626WorkIdentifying Trends in Deep Space Network Monitor Data20110013627WorkPredicting Lifetime of a Thermomechanically Loaded Component20110013628WorkSSRL Emergency Response Shore Tool20110013629WorkTool for Sampling Permafrost on a Remote Planet20110013630WorkInferring Gear Damage from Oil-Debris and Vibration Data20110013631WorkNoise Source for Calibrating a Microwave Polarimeter20110013632WorkCarbon-Nanotube-Carpet Heat-Transfer Pads20110013633WorkPulse-Flow Microencapsulation System20110013634WorkForecasting of Storm-Surge Floods Using ADCIRC and Optimized DEMs20110013635WorkCoating MCPs with AlN and GaN20110013636WorkUser Interactive Software for Analysis of Human Physiological Data20110013637WorkRepresentation of Serendipitous Scientific Data20110013638WorkPartial Automation of Requirements Tracing20110013639WorkAutomatic Locking of Laser Frequency to an Absorption Peak20110013640WorkAutomated Low-Gravitation Facility Would Make Optical Fibers20110013641WorkDynamically Alterable Arrays of Polymorphic Data Types20110013642WorkWholly Aromatic Ether-Imides as n-Type Semiconductors20110013643WorkFour-Quadrant Analog Multipliers Using G4-FETs20110013636WorkUser Interactive Software for Analysis of Human Physiological Data