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Toward Realistic Dynamics of Rotating Orbital Debris, and Implications for Lightcurve InterpretationOptical observations of rotating space debris near GEO contain important information on size, shape, composition, and rotational states, but these aspects are difficult to extract due to data limitations and the high number of degrees of freedom in the modeling process. For tri-axial rigid debris objects created by satellite fragmentations, the most likely initial rotation state has a large component of initial angular velocity directed along the intermediate axis of inertia, leading to large angular reorientations of the body on the timescale of the rotation period. This lends some support to the simplest possible interpretation of light curves -- that they represent sets of random orientations of the objects of study. However, effects of internal friction and solar radiation are likely to cause significant modification of rotation states within a time as short as a few orbital periods. In order to examine the rotational dynamics of debris objects under the influences of these effects, a set of seven first-order coupled equations of motion were assembled in state form: three are Euler equations describing the rates of change of the components of angular velocity in the body frame, and four describe the rates of change of the components of the unit quaternion. Quaternions are a four-dimensional extension of complex numbers that form a seamless, singularity-free representation of body orientation on S3. The Euler equations contain explicit terms describing torque from solar radiation in terms of spherical harmonics, and terms representing effects of a prescribed rate of internal friction. Numerical integrations of these equations of motion are being performed, and results will be presented. Initial tests show that internal friction without solar radiation torque leads to rotation about the maximum principal axis of inertia, as required, and solar radiation torque is expected to lead to spin-up of objects. Because the axis of maximum rotational inertia tends to be roughly coincident with the normal to the largest projected cross-sectional area, internal friction is expected to lead to reduced variation of light curve amplitudes at a given phase angle, but a large dependence of the same on phase angle. At a given phase angle, databases are generated which contain reflected intensities for comprehensive sets of equally-likely orientations, represented as unit quaternions. When projected onto three dimensions (S2) and color-coded by intensity, the set is depicted as points within a solid, semi-transparent unit sphere, within which all possible reflected intensities for an object at a given phase angle may be inspected simultaneously. Rotational sequences are represented by trajectories through the sphere. Databases are generated for each of a set of phase angles separately, forming a comprehensive dataset of reflected intensities spanning all object orientations and solar phase angles. Symmetries in the problem suggest that preferred rotation states are likely, defined relative to the object-sun direction in inertial space and relative to the maximum principal axis of inertia in the body coordinate system. Such rotation states may greatly simplify the problem of light curve interpretation by reducing the number of degrees of freedom in the problem.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Ojakangas, Gregory W.
(Jacobs Technology, Inc. Houston, TX, United States)
Cowardin, H.
(Jacobs Technologies Engineering Science Contract Group United States)
Hill, N.
(MEI Technologies, Inc. United States)
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
September 13, 2011
Subject Category
Space Transportation And Safety
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (AMOS 2011)
Location: Maui, HI
Country: United States
Start Date: September 13, 2011
End Date: September 16, 2011
Sponsors: Maui Economic Development Board
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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