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NASA's Human Rating Requirements - A Historical Interpretive PerspectiveSection 3.0 of NASA's Human Rating Requirements for Space Systems, NPR 8705.2, represents technical engineering requirements that the Agenc y requires of Human Space Systems. In many cases the requirements are not unlike requirements for any space system, crewed or uncrewed, th ey deal with successfully accomplishing the mission objectives. Howev er, they go one step further and have requirements that go beyond suc cessful completion of the mission and dictate functions or actions ne cessary to assure the survival of the crew. In that regard they are u nique from other space system requirements. Even with their uniquenes s the technical requirements of the NPR 8705.2 have been relatively u nchanged in overall intent over the revisions. They all have provided for system redundancy, crew habitable environment, crew situational awareness, crew operation, system control, emergency egress and abort systems. In a few cases the intent of the requirement was changed in tentionally, either to restrict certain types of systems or their fun ctions, or to encompass lessons learned from previous programs. For t he most part the requirements are non controversial and represent the current best practices for human space systems, however, a few requi rements are always debated and have evolved over revisions of the NPR due to studies conducted with various programs like the Orbital Spac e Plane and the Constellation Programs. Those requirements will be di scussed using results of trade studies conducted during past programs highlighting how these particular requirements have evolved through the revisions of the NPR. Comments will also be provided for requirem ents that although not debated, have provided challenges in interpret ation.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Langford, Gerald
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
White, Juli Kramer
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
October 17, 2011
Subject Category
Space Transportation And Safety
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: M11-0794
Report Number: M11-1103
Meeting Information
Meeting: 5th IAASS/International Association for the Advancementof Space Safety
Location: Paris
Country: France
Start Date: October 17, 2011
End Date: October 19, 2011
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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